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' FRI , APRIL 17H 1995. '
inglewood hospital ⸻
inglewood , california !

   I SAT IN THE WAITING ROOM OF THE ULTRASOUND CLINIC , my heart pounding with anticipation. This time, I wasn't accompanied by Darnell, but by my sister Jasmine. It had been four days since Darnell and I both got in a heated argument with one another and he apologized to me sincerely, taking me out and buying me whatever it is that I wanted.  As I flipped through a magazine, Jasmine tried to keep my spirits high with her bubbly conversation.

"So . . have you thought about any names yet?" Jasmine asked with a mischievous grin. I turned to look at her with a glare and she shrugged apologetically, "I don't know the gender yet, I haven't really thought about any names yet . . maybe when I'm closer to birth."

Jasmine gave me an encouraging pat on the back. "Don't worry, if you can't think of anything I'll do it for you, and of course I'm here to help you with the baby shower planning!" She smiles winking.

"You gon plan something stupid." I joke and she furrows her brows offended, I return a smile to her at her response and she sulks. "I won't do that, you know I'm great with parties and shit." She tells me and I shrug.

Before I could respond, the nurse called my name, and I hurriedly put the magazine aside and followed her into the examination room. Lying on the examination table, I glanced at the ultrasound machine, heart pounding with both excitement and fear. Jasmine stood by my side, holding my hand as the technician began the procedure.

The room was filled with the soft hum of the ultrasound machine as the technician applied gel to my abdomen the coldness upon my stomach that makes me wince. The monitor flickered, displaying the grainy image of our baby. Jasmine's grip on my hand tightened as we both stared in awe at the screen.

"Here's the head," the technician said, pointing at one end of the image. "And there are the little hands and feet." She moved the wand to capture different angles, providing us with a clearer view of my baby. My voice quivered with emotion as I asked, "Is everything okay? Is the baby healthy?"

The technician smiled kindly. "Everything looks perfectly normal. The baby's heart is beating strong, and all the measurements are within the normal range for this stage of pregnancy."

Jasmine and I exchanged relieved glances, I could see tears growing within my sisters eyes making me hold back the urge to bawl. It was a moment of pure joy and relief to see my baby healthy and growing. The technician continued her explanations, pointing out the different body parts and organs. It was a surreal experience, knowing that this little being would soon be a part of our lives.

As we looked at the ultrasound images, the technician printed out a few pictures for us to take home. I couldn't help but fill filled with happiness, growing excited to see the baby inside of me.

Jasmine hugged me excitedly, her eyes shining with tears of joy. "Sanai, this is amazing. Your baby is perfect."

I nod, unable to find the words to express the overwhelming emotions I was feeling. The ultrasound had brought me a sense of reassurance and an even deeper bond with both my baby and my sister.

"So have you heard about the gender yet?" The technician turns to ask me with an excited smile, Jasmine hurries to shake her head and I do so too. "Would you like to find out about the gender?" She asks me.

Jasmine and I both hum as we think of what to say, although she ends up speaking first. "Yes, we would— " She starts, "No, I'd like it to be a surprise." I tell her.

The lady glances between the two of us confused on what to do, when Jasmine and I both break into a short light argument she stays quiet awkwardly before deciding to take my word. "It's alright, if you want to find out the gender you can tell us anytime." She insists with a smile.

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