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' WED, NOVEMBER 26TH 1994 '
sanai and darnell's residence ⸻
inglewood , california !

    AS I SIT IN THE QUIET OF THE KITCHEN , alone and surrounded by the lingering aroma of the breakfast Darnell has prepared, a mix of emotions swirl within me. The exhaustion of pregnancy, combined with the emotional rollercoaster I'm on, leaves me feeling both drained and excited for the journey ahead.

I take a moment to reflect on the support Darnell has given me ever since I revealed my pregnancy. It isn't an easy situation to navigate, but he surprises me with his understanding and acceptance. I've been prepared for suspicion or doubt, especially considering my past relationship with Tupac, but Darnell has shown nothing but unwavering support.

Now, at just 5 weeks along in my pregnancy, I have another 35 weeks to go. My belly hasn't begun to grow yet at all, although my symptoms have been hitting me harder than usual.

The two of us are seated in the kitchen, him behind the stove as he makes us both something to eat for breakfast. I rub my eyes tiredly followed by an exhausted yawn. The sound of the pot moving about alongside the delicious smell of the eggs being fried makes me even more excited to eat. Seeing him fixing up breakfast in nothing but his pajamas is a sight I love to see, his braids and especially with his tired, croaky voice.

"I'm so tired," I utter from behind him. I see him turn around to look at me for a moment before smiling. "I can tell, you all quiet than usual," he says.

There's another moment of silence as he continues to cook. I rest my head down against the marble of the counter, closing my eyes for a moment. Suddenly, his pager begins to beep, the sound awakens me, and I turn to look over at him. He pulls out the device from his pocket and blinks down at it, followed by a small smile.

I shrug it off.

"Ain't it crazy how we're gonna be parents?" I ask him with excited eyes. Darnell shares a smile.

As Darnell continues to prepare our breakfast, the pleasant clinking of dishes and the enticing aroma of cooking fill the kitchen. I can't help but yawn and rub my tired eyes, the exhaustion of pregnancy taking its toll on me.

Darnell glances over his shoulder, a caring smile on his face. "You really should get more rest, Sanai. The morning sickness gotta to be hitting you hard." I nod, managing a weak smile. "I know, but I appreciate you making breakfast. It's so hard to sleep."

Darnell chuckles, "Guess the baby got you tired . . you gon' be an amazing mom, Sanai." I feel a warmth spread through me at his words. "And you gon' be a great daddy, Darnell."

The heartfelt moment is interrupted by the persistent annoying beeping of his pager, I watch his eyes glare down towards his pager, checking the page sent. His eyes lift up to look towards my own an unreadable glare filling his eyes. "I'm sorry babe . . my homies calling me, saying I gotta deal with something." He finishes.

I turn to look at him blinking, confused, as he hurries to plate down the food. My lips begin to part to speak but fail to utter a word. I force a nod understandingly, though a little disappointment creeps in. "I understand. I'll be here when you get back."

With a quick peck on my forehead, he rushes to get ready and heads out the door. I watch him go, feeling a mixture of pride and longing. I thought I knew everything about Darnell, but it seems I don't, especially when he randomly leaves to deal with street things.

Alone in the kitchen, I hear the sound of a thud as the door closes behind him. I exhale deeply as I watch him go, reaching over towards the other side of the counter to grab a plate of food while his plate sits there lonely growing cold.

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