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' MON , DEC 11TH 1995. '
jasmine's residence ⸻
los angeles , california !

     "You shouldn't have trusted him." Jasmine tells me as she stands behind her kitchen counter arms folded, Jasmine's words hit me like a punch to the gut, the truth of them echoing in the space where my trust in Tupac used to be. I glance up at her, feeling the weight of her gaze bearing down on me.

Jasmine's arms fold tightly across her chest as she leans against the kitchen counter, the morning light glowing upon her expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. I can feel her eyes boring into me, the weight of her silent accusation heavy in the air.

"I know." I utter siting down on one of the stools, "But easy to say but if you were in my position you probably would've had the same problem with him  . . Tupac's not easy, he's a hard person and this was all a result of that."

I haven't gone back home at all and every single time my cellphone begins to ring, the constant persisting sound triggering my emotions once more as I'm reminded of my position, I force myself not to pick up the phone and not to allow him back into my life, at least not for now until I get over what he'd done.

Jasmine's expression softens slightly as she listens to my words, but the frustration still lingers in her eyes. She moves closer, leaning against the counter opposite me, her arms unfolding as she reaches out a hand in a gesture of empathy.

"I get it, Sanai," she says, her voice softening with understanding. "I know Tupac ain't easy, but that don't mean you gotta put up with his shit. You deserve better than that and so does Zahir, how is gonna put your life out into the public just to fuck it all up?"

As Jasmine's words sink in, a wave of mixed emotions washes over me. I feel a pang of guilt for subjecting myself and Zahir to Tupac's life, knowing deep down that we both deserve better. Her words hit me hard, echoing the doubts and frustrations that have been simmering beneath the surface.

"Yeah," I reply, my voice tinged with resignation. "I know, but I'm still healing, I still think of him and I don't think I'll be able to let him go so easily."

Jasmine's hand finds mine, her touch a comforting space amidst the storm of my emotions. "It's okay to take your time, Sanai," she says, her voice gentle yet firm. "I know it might take some time and no one is telling you to make up your mind overnight, but if I were you I wouldn't give him another chance."

Jasmine's words hit me like a revelation, cutting through the fog of confusion and pain that has clouded my mind. I know she's right, deep down I've always known, but hearing it from someone I trust makes it all the more real.

"I know," I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm just going through a lot of shit."

Jasmine and I both turn to glance towards the hallway as Tyrell emerges from it strutting in with plastic bags within his hands, he smiles brightly but instantly drops it after noticing the somber mood within the room.  He blinks back and forth between Jasmine and me, his expression shifting from casual to concerned.

"Hey, babe," he says to Jasmine, his voice filled with warmth as he places the plastic bags a top the grey counter, before turning his attention to me. "Hey, Sanai. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Jasmine gives Tyrell an affectionate smile, her eyes silently communicating reassurance. "No, you're not interrupting. Sanai and I were just talking," she says, her tone gentle yet firm.

I watch the two of them with eyes of admiration and longing, I'm happy to see Jasmine with someone that deserves her love and someone that sees her worth, but it seems as if in life she's always gotten what I'd dreamed of.

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