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I couldn't have been more happier.

The air in Jasmine's home which became my safe space was filled with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation as I moved through the rooms, packing my belongings. Each item I carefully placed in boxes held memories – a collection of moments that shaped who I am. It was a bittersweet process, leaving behind a place that witnessed my growth and transformation.

Jasmine, my older sister, enters the room with a comforting smile. "Excited about the move, Sanai?" I nod, a mixture of joy and apprehension in my eyes. "I am, I'm a lil' nervous but I gotta do it."

Jasmine placed a supportive hand on my shoulder. "You deserve this happiness, Sanai. You'll be fine, you got him and your son what more would you want?" Her words reassured me, as I tapped up a cardboard box continuing the packing.

"You right. It's just that things are going so well so quick." I sigh as I lift up the heavy box, moving it towards the entrance on her apartment. Jasmine chuckles, her eyes reflecting understanding. "It's all God's timing though, it's his plan and it's great things are working out for you after everything you been through.

As we continue packing, the room echoes with shared memories and the sound of tape sealing boxes. The apartment a place I knew was a temporary space, was a short stop on my journey towards a new life with Tupac. I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness mixed with excitement.

Upon Tupac signing a deal with Deathrow Records, Suge offered to help out with finding him a home where he and I could stay in the heart of California. I haven't seen the home, but all I know is that it's a mansion in Calabasas, way big enough for us to stay.

The idea of me living in a mansion with my son and Tupac is crazy and the fact that life is now treating me so well has me excited but nervous for what'll come next.

Jasmine, sensing my mixed emotions, offers words of comfort. "I'm gon' visit you often though, it's not like you won't see me anymore, I'll be coming over and all that." Her support means the world to me, and I smile gratefully at her. "I know you will."

We begin to load the boxes into the moving truck, reminding me of the future that awaits me. Jasmine, always my pillar of strength, continues to reassure me. "You not alone in this, Sanai. Tupac's got your back, and so do I."

As we lift up as many boxes as we can towards the door Jasmine's boyfriend Tyrell walks in from outside of the apartment, a friendly grin on his face. "Y'all look like you need some help." Jasmine looks up at him appreciatively. "Thanks babe, just carry the heavier stuff."

Tyrell joins us in the packing frenzy, lifting boxes effortlessly. As we work, he can't help but glance at Zahir, my son, who's happily playing with his toys in the living room in all of the moving. A contemplative look crosses Tyrell's face.

"Sanai, you know I'm gonna miss having Zahir around here, right?" he says, a touch of sadness in his voice. I pause, understanding him. "I know, Tyrell. You gotta come visit us then, I know you love him and he loves you too he needs his Uncle Tyrell time too."

Tyrell nods, a mix of melancholy and understanding in his eyes. "Yeah, definitely. I'm gon miss this little guy."

As the packing continues, the atmosphere is a blend of excitement for the new beginning and the acknowledgment that change brings both joy and a hint of sadness. Jasmine, Tyrell, and I share the moment, realizing that this journey is not just about me but about my future family.

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