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' FRI , DEC 15TH 1995. '
deathrow records christmas party ⸻
calabasas , california !

     IT'S THE NIGHT OF THE DEATHROW RECORDS HOLIDAY BASH , and as usual a party was arranged in celebratory of the both successful year for Deathrow, but also the approaching Christmas holiday.

I decided to get myself together and attend the holiday bash, alongside other family members, executives, and friends of the label, it wasn't easy or something that I wanted to do, but I realized that maybe it wouldn't be as bad if I avoided him the entire night and instead hung out with my friends at the label.

The party is being held at a mansion rented out, Suge the usual party planner and organizer had the home decorated beautifully with festival decorations, red ribbons, warm lighting and holly plants decorations the vast space.

As I step into expensive mansion, I'm immediately enveloped in the festive ambiance of the Christmas party. The grandeur of the decorations dazzles my senses, with strands of twinkling lights casting a warm glow over the spacious rooms. The air is infused with the scent of pine and cinnamon, adding to the holiday feeling fills the atmosphere.

Every corner of the mansion is adorned with festive touches, from elegant wreaths adorning the doorways to intricately decorated Christmas trees standing tall in the corners. Red and green ribbons cascade down staircases, and tables are adorned with centerpieces of fresh holly, adding splashes of vibrant color to the scene.

Jasmine decided to show up to the party with me as a guest of me, it was her first time being in the label's presence but also being seen alongside me at any Death row event. As we enter the party together, Jasmine's eyes widen in awe at the sight of the lavish decorations. "Wow, they really went all out," she exclaims, taking in the festive atmosphere with a wide grin.

I nod in agreement, feeling a sense of pride at being able to share this experience with her, my sister was always beside me no matter what. "Suge always does his thing when it comes to parties," I reply, gesturing to the elegant wreaths and twinkling lights that adorn the mansion.

Jasmine nods in appreciation, her excitement evident in her voice. "I'm really at a Deathrow party," she says, eyes turning to me gleaming with fascination. "This like something out of a movie."

As Jasmine awes at the party around her, I can't help but feel a swell of pride. It's not often that I bring someone new into the inner circle of Deathrow, and having my sister by my side fills me with a sense of joy.

"They've got everything in here," I reply with a grin, glancing around the room at the extravagant decorations that fill the mansion, even all the way up towards the ceiling.

As Jasmine continues to take in the scene, her excitement palpable, I catch the attention of several attendees who turn to look our way. With Jasmine's infectious enthusiasm and my own sense of confidence, we make quite the striking pair.

My outfit for the evening is a dark red dress that hugs my curves in all the right places, accentuating my figure. My pressed black hair cascades down my back in sleek waves, framing my face and highlighting my features. With a touch of makeup to enhance my natural beauty, I feel confident and radiant as I step into the party.

As we make our way through the crowd, heads turn in our direction, whispers and murmurs following in our wake. Despite the attention, I hold my head high. I know everyone's still associating me with Tupac, it's inevitable, but the shocking revelation is me arriving beside my sister and not him.

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