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' WED , JUNE 11TH 1995. '
jasmine's residence ⸻
los angeles , california !

     I'M BACK OVER IN CALIFORNIA after my time in New York ended, meeting Tupac in person once again was a surreal experience, after everything we'd be through, seeing him and having him accept me and my baby made me feel lighter.

My pregnancy now has began to become more uncomfortable, the amount age of sleep I'd been getting decreasing over the past few days since I'd get random braxton hicks during my sleep. I know I'm due soon, but at this point it's becoming more painful than anything.

I'm seated on the couch beside Jasmine and Tyrell watching whatever it is that they decided to put on the TV for us to watch, it's often that Jasmine finds something for us to watch hoping that we'd enjoy it as much as she does.

Jasmine flips through the channels, a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Guys, I found this new series. Trust me, you gotta watch it, it's real good." Tyrell glances over at her "Well, it better be funny." He jokes.

I sink into the couch cushions, nodding agreeing with Tyrell. "He's got a point, this better be good Jasmine." The television plays the series, both Tyrell and I watch it carefully, studying it as we almost force ourself to find it interesting, Jasmine eases into it, already finding it interesting.

Jasmine grins, completely interested in the show. "I'm telling you, you'll thank me later. You gotta just wait for it to get better." Tyrell raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "So you telling me it's bad at the start?

Jasmine chuckles, defending her choice. "Nah, it's just a slow burn, you know?" Tyrell leans back, crossing his arms. "Alright, I'll give it a chance cause I trust you." I can't help but shift in my seat, feeling another contraction. Tyrell notices, "You okay?" He asks worried.

I shoot him an okay look, gently rubbing my belly. "I'm good, just false contractions, nothing major." I notice Jasmine turning towards me with genuine concern Jasmine adds, "If you need anything, just let us know."

As the day progresses and the TV series continues, the contractions are week and slower, giving me a small break from the real deal. The laughter and banter with Tyrell and Jasmine become a a background to the growing urgency within me. Each contraction reminds me that the arrival of my baby is soon, but deep inside me there's a longing to share this moment with my family, despite the strained relationship.

A sudden realization grows onto me — life is too short to let misunderstandings grow. I glance at Tyrell and Jasmine, grateful for their help and company, realizing that I've sorted most things out; relationships, careers but not my family. The need to be on good terms with my family grows stronger. It's time to attempt to go past my feelings and to let them be a part of my Zahir's life.

With a deep breath of though, I turn to Jasmine, "I know this probably will sound real crazy, but I've been thinking about meeting up with our family, things didn't go well last time but my life has changed, my son will be here any minute and I want him to know his family." Jasmine nods after a short hesitant pause, "I haven't thought about that yet . . it's a good move, but you never know how things might turn out, the last time we tried . . it didn't go well."

I nod at Jasmine's honesty, appreciating her point of view. "I get you. It's a risk, but I can't shake this feeling that it's worth trying again. Maybe since it's been some time, they'll be okay." Tyrell, who has been listening carefully, chimes in, "Look, family is complicated, but if there's a chance for getting things alright especially for Zahir's sake, I'm just sayin', it's worth taking it."

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