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' WED, NOVEMBER 20TH 1994. '
burgers and shakes ⸻
inglewood , california !

    DARNELL TOOK THE TWO BOTH US on the date he promised. We sit in a diner together and have interesting conversations together. I tap my finger against the table in front of me impatiently as I wait for my food to be served, Darnell does the same leaning back into his chair.

After a lot of reconsidering, I decided it was the best opportunity for me to announce my pregnancy. And I'm beginning to fell a little too nervous to do so.

"I was gonna take you here on Thursday but you were too busy." He says, I glance up at him and he smiles, but I'm able to tell that he's a little bit hurt. "I know, I'm so sorry about that." My words are filled with a regretful tone. Darnel nods understanding me and I sigh, "It's alright though, at least I'm here." I smile.

It's the mid day on a grey dull Sunday afternoon, Darnell practically dragged me out of my nap since I was way too exhausted as usual. The idea that he really kept his promise to take me out was charming and it really made me contemplate that today would be the best date to reveal my pregnancy.

"It's really dark outside." He starts, he turns to look out the window noticing the sky that has began to fade blue. "Maybe because we went out a little late." I joke folding my arms. He smiles at my sarcastic manner, his cheek forming a dimple.

"I mean let's brighten up the conversation." He says, and I laugh. "You look real nice today." I can't help but feel flattered by his usual compliment, a smile brought to my lips. "Thanks."

As if on que we're interrupted by the waiter who places down our drinks before us, I thank her as she gives me my strawberry milkshake with a sweet smile.

"It's been sometime since we've last came here." I recall and he remembers exactly what I'm talking about, wincing at the thought. "Your friends don't like me." He says, covered by a chuckle.

The last time Darnell and I both came to the same diner for a date was our first date ever, Jasmine, Trinity and Alana happened to randomly show up towards the end only to show their disapproval of Darnell. This of course has changed over the years.

I shake my head but then shrug my shoulders, he looks at me and then raises his brow. "I dunno, you're real nice I don't see why they wouldn't like you."

Upon my words Darnell furrows his eyes at me playfully and I laugh. "They kept giving me bad looks." He starts. "Look, if every single time Imma see your friends and get bad vibes, I don't think I'm that welcomed."

He tells me and I understand exactly what he means, it's the truth but my friends are just like that. They're tough with any men that are in my life, even if we're not dating.

"You right, but Jasmine likes you." I tell him with a smile and he laughs. "Jasmine's cool." He acknowledges, humor glinting in his eyes.

Jasmine has kind of become a joke to the both of us, especially since about two years ago when she met Darnell for the first time she hurdled him with questions to see whether or not he really was good enough for me. And after finding out he was involved in the streets, Jasmine wasn't as much pleased. But now, that's all changed.

"We don't talk about Jasmine though." I say with an exhale and he grins understanding me. "You still thinking about that?" He asks me. I nod, my thoughts remembering the moment Jasmine threw him questions. I take a sip of my strawberry milkshake that waits in front of me, I glance up at him only to see him watching me.

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