
628 31 3

' FRI , MAY 31ST 1995. '
jasmine's residence ⸻
los angeles , california !

     "I hope I'm not disturbing you, I know it's late." Tupac continues, his voice carrying a weight of emotions. He sounds different from the last time I heard him, almost as if his spirit is waning. "I've been wanting to call you for a long time, I ain't got much time, but it's better than nothing."

His words hang in the air, full with unspoken stories and the heavy reality of our situation. I sit there in the silence of my room, the weight of the phone in my hand feeling heavier with each passing second.

"Thank you for calling, I really appreciate it." I finally respond, managing to speak although I feel myself beginning to grow all emotional. The hollowness in Tupac's voice paints a picture of a man being held back, both physically and emotionally.

Tupac lets out a sigh, "It's all good, your voice makes up for it." His words, though subtly, carry a hint of flirting, through the pain causing me to chuckle. "Alright." I utter.

"How you been holding up?" Tupac asks, his voice softer now, as if he's trying to protect me from the harshness of his reality, although I forget about my self and worry more about him. I take a deep breath. "I'm doing good, better now. But that don't matter, how've you been, they've got you locked as if you're some sort of animal . . that shit ain't right."

There's a pause, and I can almost feel Tupac nodding on the other end. "Yeah, I know. It's definitely broken my spirit, but I tryna think about the positive now, I got so many plans for when I come out . . movies, foundations, everything you name it. Imma come back even better." I smile at his words. "I also got a little boy to prepare for, it's all crazy as fuck, but I'm here for it. I can't believe it's all happening, even if the time is shit."

Listening to Tupac's words, a mix of admiration and concern floods my emotions. The conversation has shifted from the weight of the past to the uncertain future he envisions.

But I know he's capable of anything.

"You so cute." I find myself uttering amongst his short ramble, once I realize what I said I gasp but it's too late to take it all back, he laughs heartedly for a short moment, clearly liking my compliment. "And you love it." He utters, voice low and flirtatious.

I sigh with a smile. There's a short moment of silence, the sounds of chatter and movement creeping through the phone. "Okay, you got me there," I admit, letting out a chuckle.

"Where's your man?" He asks me curiously, the thought makes me die on the inside. Tupac awaits my response almost as if it's a huge matter, "He ain't here . . I ain't with him no more, we broke up I've moved on." I tell him.

He's quiet for a short moment, this time I await his response. "That's good, his loss my gain." He simply says.

Tupac's words linger in the air and in my mind, carrying a mixture of playfulness and genuine connection. The unexpected turn in the conversation opens a door to a different kind of intimacy, reminding me of the short time we spent together.

"What's your gain?" I tease him. I hear him sigh over on the other side of the phone, sending a smile upon my lips. "You still the same." He simply tells me and I smirk. "Shame I'm trapped behind these bars otherwise I would've fixed that real quick."

Tupac's flirtatious nature, though restrained by the physical barriers between us, adds a spark to the conversation reminding me about the great chemistry we share, that I'd forgotten about.

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