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' WED , MAY 12TH 1995. '
sanai and darnell's residence ⸻
los angeles , california !

SAPPHIRE'S EYES MEET MINE , "Guess, someone's mad, why you actin' like you ain't the one who's done the same thing?" Her voice dripping with mock concern.

The room is charged with tension, the air thick with a mix of rage and anger. Sapphire, the woman tangled in bedsheets on my bed, looks at me with a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. Her lips curl into a smug smile, and it's like adding fuel to the fire raging inside me.

I clench my fists, my nails digging into my palms, as I fight the urge to lunge at her remembering that I'm pregnant, and in this situation I should try my best to remain calm. "Why the fuck are you in my house." I simply utter closing my eyes.

Sapphire's laughter is a piercing sound, a twisted amusement dancing in her tone. "Your house? Darnell, your nigga is the one who invited me here."

A surge of anger courses through me, but I remember the life growing within me, and my anger is filled by the responsibility to protect my unborn child. With a deep breath, I open my eyes, locking a searing gaze with the Sapphire who only grins my way.

The tension in the room tightens like a noose around my neck. Sapphire seems to love this chaos. Darnell, stands beside in the room after hurrying back into his boxers, not saying a word.

"Why don't you tell him what you did." She asks me. I furrow my eyes at her annoyed, eyes remaining onto her. "The fuck you mean, tell him what I did?" I repeat.

"Callin' me a hoe like you ain't the one who fucked Tupac."

Her words send straight daggers towards my chest. Memories of the past, conversations in whispers, and secrets I thought were secret are brought straight back to mind. The room becomes a pressure cooker, each breath feels heavy, and the air is filled with betrayal.

Darnell's eyes dart between Sapphire and me, realization dawning on him. "Hold up, you mean Tupac the rapper?" He turns towards Sapphire completely confused. When she nods, his face drops with anger. "Mhm you heard damn right." She begins turning to look at me dead in the eyes. "Tupac Shakur the rapper."

"Sanai, you being serious?" he asks, his voice laced filled with anger. "Yo' ass was out there fucking rappers!"

I turn to look towards him, thoughts of the past swarming my mind. The way he treated me, the way he abused me, the nights where he was out he was busy fucking the woman he knew I hated, Tupac is the only one who truly cares for me, even if it was only one letter and one night.

"Yeah, I did." I don't hesitate to own up. I fold my arms as my eyes meet with his, unbothered by Sapphire's attempt to stir up the situation. "You were the one who wasn't home, your ass is the one who treated me like shit."

Sapphire scoffs, the satisfaction evident in her tone. "Well all know that baby ain't his too, tell him everything since you loyal."

The room feels like it's closing in on me. The weight of the truth, coupled with the current chaos, is suffocating. Darnell's expression is a mix of anger and disbelief, and I can sense the foundation of trust we built over time crumbling beneath us although it was already broken.

But I won't let it get to me.

My glare meets Sapphire who continues to grin, arms folded and she lays comfortable in my bed naked beneath my sheets on my side. "It was you wasn't it, you told everyone." I ask her, my voice low.

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