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' MON, NOVEMBER 5TH, 1994. '
jasmine's residence  ⸻
los angeles , california !

     MISSED PERIOD. I woke up in the morning expecting for the unfortunate staining of red, but there was no sign of it. It had been about four days since it was due, but I brushed it off as my usual irregular periods. This happens to me all the time and it's probably happening again this time but... longer.

There's no way I could be pregnant especially since I made sure that I used a condom when I had sex, my hormones are probably going all over the place and that's why I'm running a little late.

I glance at myself in the mirror to see a face of confusion and fear being reflected back, I exhale as I run the warm water through my hands, splashing my face and brushing my teeth. Jasmine walks into the bathroom to brush her teeth alongside me and when she notices my face through the mirror, her eyes turn a little concerned.

"Sanai, you alright?" She asks me curiously and I force myself to nod and smile. "I'm good." I tell her, forcing a good enough smile. I'm not good though, I'm confused and I'm starting to realize how really fucked I am in this situation.

With a reassuring smile, she continued her morning routine. We say a few words, both of us still half-asleep since it's early in the morning and we're not in the mood. Jasmine gets done first and walks into the living room, she turns on the television first thing in the morning as usual to have some background noise. I'm able to watch her do so through the mirror of the bathroom until she starts jumping around the place all excited.

Confused, I halt moisturizing my face and walk out of the bathroom. When I see the face of Tupac performing on the screen, I glance over at her. "Why aren't you excited? Didn't you two get at it?" She asks me, and I roll my eyes at her. This must've been a few weeks ago when he performed over in Atlanta.

"Just cause I got at it with him doesn't mean I have to be a crazy fan over him." I glare at Jasmine, still rubbing cream onto my face, as she gives me a dirty look. "I don't know about you but you're tripping. Tupac's real cool." She mumbles loud enough for me to hear, and I don't bother anymore.

I secretly look at the TV to watch a little bit of his performance, and the way that he manages to control the crowd is fascinating. Everyone is excited and hyped to see him. It's crazy how I'm even talking to someone like him. I eventually giving it and siting with her.

A week had passed since my encounter with Tupac, and we hadn't communicated since. Despite my occasional pager-checks, no messages from him appeared. I was scared of coming across as desperate, so I hadn't reached out either.

"Your fuck buddy is real good at performing." She jokes, I turn to look at her with a glare and she laughs. "He ain't my fuck buddy, Jasmine."

"Look at him, the ladies all over him." She mumbles, it's almost as if she's trying to make me jealous but I just roll my eyes. "Jazz, just shut the fuck up."

Jasmine turns to look at me raising her brows before grows quiet and the sound of Tupac's performance fills the room, his enchanting powerful voice and stage presence. "So how's things with you and Darnell," Jasmine begins, and the sound of his name makes me turn to look at her. "You still staying over here?"

Ever since Darnell and I made up a few days ago a lot of feelings have been on my mind, I feel a huge baggage of guilt knowing I've cheated on him and I'm not ready to admit that yet to him. But I'm willing to forget what I have with Tupac and focusing on something more promising.

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