Chapter 3 - A Midnight Disturbance

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That night, a stack of books lay on either side of Cassia as she sat cross-legged on the couch, poring through the pages to find anything about her strange, little rock and why someone would have hidden it away. Her family had long gone to bed, and the rest of the house had fallen quiet, still. Even Grimmy and Crumple, curled on the couch, had silenced their purring as they drifted into whatever dreams cats had. Candlelight danced dimly on the walls, blinking in and out as their wax melted into stubs. Her eyelids drooping and the soft tendrils of sleep tempting her, Cassia yawned and stretched.

"I think I'm going to turn in."

Sebastian nodded but didn't look up from his book. "Yes, I think I probably will too."

"Goodnight, then."

Inside her room, Cassia closed the door and changed into her pyjamas. She pulled her hair from its bun and let it fall down her back. As she blew out her candle, creaking steps above told that Sebastian had gone upstairs. She climbed into bed, and a meow of protest startled her slightly.

"Sorry, Mungo. Didn't see you there. Good kitty."

She scratched the tabby's head and listened to him purr for a moment before laying down and burying herself under no fewer than six blankets. The freshly laundered linen smelled of sunshine and summer breezes, cool and relaxing on her face. She pressed her cheek more firmly against it and breathed deeply, ready to settle into a cozy slumber.

Haze drifted into her mind, accompanied by Mungo's soft purrs. Her smile relaxed, and blurry visions meshed with incoherent thoughts. Then, she sat up, blinking, and wondered if she'd imagined the knocking she'd just heard. Everything remained as it was. Deciding it had only been part of a dream, she laid down again.

Knock, knock, knock.

She rubbed her face, knowing she hadn't imagined it that time, and stumbled out of bed, disturbing Mungo as she went. Sleepily, she opened the door and found Sebastian standing there, still fully dressed. It took a moment, but her brain woke up, and she saw his brows turned upward and his lips down. Across the hall, Nan and Grandad's bedroom door was cracked, their snores escaping through. Cassia tugged Sebastian inside and closed the door.

"Just a moment," she whispered. She pulled her wand from its hiding place in her drawer. "Colloportus!" She cast on the door. "Imperterbabilis!" Putting her wand away, she turned to Sebastian. "What is it?"

He held up her letter and opened his mouth to speak, but his chin quivered, and nothing came out. Understanding, Cassia wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, feeling him sink into her heavily. She didn't know how long they stood there for, but at last he spoke.

"You really think I'm worth keeping around?"


"But I'm-I'm a—murderer!"

She leaned back so she could look in his eyes. Even in the dark, she could see they were big and full of guilt. "You listen to me, Sebastian Sallow. That night was unfortunate and regrettable, but it's not who you are. It was a complicated moment of... of weakness and anger. But the remorse you've shown ever since is proof of your good heart and your true nature. You messed up badly, yes, but you've also spent every day afterward trying to make up for it. And I'm going to spend every day reminding you until you can see it for yourself."

"I just wish Anne could see it."

Cassia sighed. "Me too, but she needs to come to it on her own terms and in her own time."

He nodded, downcast. Slightly shaking, he took a deep, shuddering breath. "I think I should turn myself in."

"No! Don't you dare! Rotting away in Azkaban surrounded by dementors is not going to fix things. It won't bring your uncle back, and it won't make things right with Anne. It'll only destroy you, and I will not let that happen."

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