Chapter 10 - Sallow-Faced

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Cassia ignored the letter for the remainder of the weekend, presuming it to be a summoning to Professor Hecat's office for the incident in Hogsmeade or, worse, something from Leander. Monday morning, she descended the ladder from her bunk and sighed. It was time to get it over with. She lifted it limply from her dresser and broke the wax seal, thinking it strange how the sender hadn't used an envelope. She began to read, her brows creasing and her mind becoming more alert with each sentence. And when she got to the end, she read it again:

Dear Wielder of Ancient Magic,

I've taken notice of your struggles, and I must say that I'm impressed with your talent. Even your mundane magic is incredible. But control is the issue at hand, isn't it? I sense you have an increasing frustration, a growing fear of the inevitable: that your most precious gift will only destroy.

It doesn't have to be so, I assure you. Your power can be developed and summoned entirely and solely at your disposal—whenever you need it and for whatever you wish. If no one else will give you the aid you need, I can... and I will. If you choose to accept my offer, complete the following:

Deep within the Forbidden Forest, beyond the spiders' lair, is a lake of green water. Go there. Along the northern shore beneath the earth is a hidden vault. Enter it.

Overcome the obstacles.

Open the chest.

Harness the energy and dissolve the discovery.

Keep it safe.

The letter was unsigned. Cassia folded the parchment and tucked it into her bag, puzzling over it again and again while dressed. She pushed through Adelaide Oakes and Evangeline Bardsely on her way to the Great Hall. Poppy was already at the Slytherin table with Ominis and Sebastian when she entered. She all but ran to them, then slammed her hands on the table, startling Ominis, who spilled his tea.

"Come here, I need to show you something," she said.

"We're having breakfast." Ominis wiped up the mess, scowling.

She grabbed an apple and shoved it into his hand. "Eat it on the way."

She didn't wait for them but marched straight from the Hall as they gathered their things. Inside an enclave tucked away in the Entrance Hall, she procured the letter and gave it to Poppy to read aloud, casting a charm over the area to protect from prying ears. When Poppy finished, Cassia's three friends gaped in bewilderment.

"Who's it from?" Ominis asked.

"It didn't say," Cassia said.

"How do they know about your Ancient Magic?" Sebastian took the letter from Poppy and pored over it again.

"No idea," she said. "I thought it might be the Keepers, but that doesn't make sense. They haven't spoken to me, and the last time they did, they were adamant that Ancient Magic should never be used."

"Hypocrites," Sebastian spat. "That one old bloke saved Feldcroft from a drought with it, and he acts as though it can only cause harm."

"But this person wants to help you," Poppy mused. "Do you think it wise to trust them?"

Cassia ruffled her bangs, shrugging as a group of young Slytherins ran by, their laughter muffled by the magical barrier. She squinted at a cobweb hanging in a corner and sighed. Ranrok and Victor Rookwood had hunted her for her magic. Perhaps this Sender would, too.

"I don't know. I might try to speak with the Keepers again."

"Better the devil you know than the devil you don't," Ominis said.

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