Chapter 5 - A Frigid Arrival

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Cassia stood beside the brick pillar at King's Cross. She should have been watching for a covert moment to slip through the barrier, but instead, she surveyed the crowd for familiar faces she longed to see. The clock read ten-forty-five exactly, so many of her friends were likely already on the platform.

"Cassia, come on," Mum urged.

Sebastian and Dad had already passed through. Mum waved her forward, keeping one eye on the clock and another on the surrounding Muggles. With a deep breath, Cassia charged forward, grinning in delight when the pillar and Muggles vanished behind, revealing a bright red engine spewing steam into the air filled with chatter, owls, and enchanted paper airplanes. Wide-eyed First-Years gaped in awe as they turned slowly, taking it all in. Frantic parents ushered their students onward or waved tearfully goodbye. There were some of those familiar faces, too-Arthur Plummly, Cressida Blume, Violet McDowell, and others—classmates she had grown to love in only a short year.

The porters carried away her luggage as a welcome voice called to her. "Cassia! Cassia, over here!"

A short girl with brown hair and a smile that masked her feisty personality waved, pushing through the crowd.

"Poppy!" Cassia wiggled through a group of rowdy boys and embraced her friend. The two girls twirled together in a tight hug. "I missed you so much! How was your holiday?"

"Grand," Poppy said. "My gran and I spent a week studying Ashwinders-the beasts, mind you, not that foul lot."

"That sounds fascinating and certainly more quiet than raiding poacher encampments. Although, you're fully capable of that." Cassia laughed. "Did you manage to find any?"

"Yes, a few. They don't live more than an hour, so it was tricky, but we managed. We're considering going to India to look for Occamies next summer."

"India?" Cassia said, taking Poppy's hand. "I can't say I'm not a little jealous of you."

"If I were you, I would be too," Poppy laughed. "Anyway, how have you been? How was your summer? Oh, no, your poor arm."

"It was the maddest thing. This beast, a Red Lion-"

"Poppy! Hurry!" Poppy's gran called, holding a satchel that had burst, spilling Fwooper feathers, Toad warts, and other beast materials.

"Oh, blast," Poppy said. "I'll catch up with you later. Save me a seat in your compartment, alright?"

Cassia waved goodbye and returned to her parents and Sebastian. Sebastian-who once would have been conversing with everyone-stood quietly against the wall while her parents caught up with their own friends they hadn't seen since the end of term. He hadn't said more than a dozen words all morning, and his complexion lived up to his surname all too well.

She joined him by the wall. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine."

"It's going to be alright, I promise. You're making the right choice by going back."

He only nodded.

"I could cast a Cheering Charm on you if you'd like," Cassia said, only half-joking.

"No, it's alright." His eyes drifted far away as he hid somewhere in his mind.

Cassia leaned her head on his shoulder. A fourth-year girl shrieked as she was lifted into the air by her braid. Her friends laughed, clearly enjoying the use of their wands again. A firecracker zipped through the crowd in a sparky blur, startling a pair of loose owls, who took off screeching.

"Cassia, Sebastian!" Dad beckoned them.

It was nearly time for the train to depart. Students waved out the windows to their parents while others hurried on at the last minute, carrying stacks of books and beloved pets. Cassia ran to her parents and hugged each of them.

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