Chapter 28 - Heart Complications

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Chiffon dresses and satin waistcoats adorned the windows of Gladrag's Wizardwear, their beaded patterns and silk accents lit up by a well-positioned spotlight. The jewel-like display entrapped the attention of all passersby, and Cassia and her friends were no exception. Like moths to a lantern, the four students slowed and came to an entire stop to admire the treasures behind the glass. Cassia's eyes were drawn from embroidered trims to velvet lapels to the sign in golden letters, "Yule Ball Attire: Bewitching Wear for an Enchanted Evening."

Ominis yawned. "For some unknowable reason, I've never been one for window shopping."

"Such a shame," Poppy said. "It's a splendid display. Look at that red one. It almost makes me wish I didn't already have something to wear."

Cassia stepped back from the window, admiring her reflection as it fell upon a lacey gown. "I suppose most customers are first-time ballgoers and students with rich families. You'd have to wear it daily to make those prices worth it. I can't imagine buying a new one every year."

"And I can't imagine you wearing a dress every day," Sebastian said.

"Oh, come on. We've had this conversation already."

A light snow fell, dusting their shoulders with a delicate powder. Nearby, Ernie Lark conducted his symphony of magical instruments in a fast-paced rendition of Good King Wenceslas. Soon, he'd play in the Great Hall as it became a wonderland for Christmas magic and romance.

"You still haven't been asked yet, have you, Cassia?" Poppy asked. She gazed at Ominis tapping his toes in boredom.

"Ah, n-no," Cassia stammered.

"Well, maybe if you didn't avoid Leander so much."

"She doesn't want to go with Leander," Sebastian blurted. Cassia noticed him glance at her. "She doesn't know if she wants to go at all."

A gurgle caught in Cassia's throat. "I want to go!"

"Oh, yeah. That's right."

His gaze flicked to and away from her as he dug his foot into the snow. Cassia scratched her neck. In the window, Sebastian's reflection stood beside hers, which still rested upon the lacey gown. When he stretched, it looked for a moment like he was asking her to dance. Heat rushing to her cheeks, Cassia shifted from the window.

"But I don't know for sure."

"You'd better decide soon," Poppy said. "The ball is next week."

Ominis tilted his face toward Poppy. "Is it that soon? Merlin, I— Poppy, maybe...."

He paused, and Poppy straightened. Cassia watched them, biting her lip. If Ominis asked Poppy at that moment, then perhaps... She could smell Sebastian standing near her, that scent of musk, smoke, and fragrant applewood. She wondered what he was thinking.

Ominis held out his arm. "Maybe let's do something that doesn't involve so much looking. How about Honeydukes? I know you're fond of crystallized pineapple."

Poppy's brows pinched together, and then she broke into a smile. She took his arm and let him lead the way—so tiny beside him. Cassia and Sebastian followed without a word, but it felt anything but silent. Back and forth, she looked at him and then vaguely around at the snow-covered village. She caught him looking, too. Cassia squeezed her fists together just to have something to do with her hands.

Since the last task, when he had held her and told her all those things, she had found it harder to suffocate the joy of being with him, to slow her heart when someone mentioned his name, to withstand the aching urge to pull him close. All resistance was chipping away, and the fear of change, of everything going dreadfully wrong, seemed more like a thrilling risk. Smirking, she bumped his shoulder.

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