Chapter 14 - Potatoes and Patronuses

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Sebastian was nearly on top of Ominis, eyes wide as he awaited the news from Anne.

"Well, what did she say?" He asked impatiently before Ominis could even place the letter inside its envelope

"She wants me to come visit her this weekend."

Cassia picked at her porridge, which was a little soggier this morning than she would have liked. As she scooped extra sugar into her breakfast and Poppy scraped up the last of her tomatoes and toast, she noticed the Hufflepuff looked at Ominis with pursed lips.

"You're going to visit Anne this weekend?" Poppy asked.

"Yes, I am," Ominis said. "She could use the company. The Thistlewoods are nice, but it's not the same as spending time with a friend."

"Ah, yes... That's kind of you to do."

Sebastian slumped onto the bench. "I wish there was something I could send with you, something sentimental that'll let her know I'm thinking of her. If she even wants that."

"I don't think it would hurt. If you come up with something, I'll gladly give it to her," Ominis said. He stretched and yawned. "Unfortunately, though, I'll have to be escorted, thanks to the extra security. They'll probably send me with Moon." He frowned. "He's basically a glorified House Elf."

"Oh, don't say that," Cassia said. "It's insulting to House Elves."

The castle was decorated with pumpkins and glowing jack-o-lanterns as Halloween drew near. Professor Ronen had enchanted paper bats to flutter along the Charms corridor. Professor Garlick had strung garlands of crisp leaves and belladonna throughout Central Hall, under which Professor Weasley had placed a dozen bright red signs exclaiming that students were not to touch the berries.

Friday evening, Cassia and Sebastian said goodbye to Ominis, who was, in fact, escorted by Mr. Moon. Poppy hadn't joined them, saying she needed to help Professor Howin with the Beasts brought in for the following week.

Sebastian sighed as Ominis and Mr. Moon disappeared into the fading light. He hadn't been able to think of anything to send to Anne that captured his sentiment.

Cassia nudged him as he stared forlornly into the evening. "Don't dwell on it. Come on, let's go do something. When's the last time it's been just the two of us?"

He shrugged. "It has been a while. What should we do then? We're not supposed to stay out after dark."

"Blasted Dark beasts. Why couldn't they have attacked in the spring when the days are longer? Hmm... How does breaking into the Gryffindor common room sound?"

"Sounds impossible."

Cassia grabbed his arm. "Let's try."

Sebastian's mood improved somewhat as they climbed the stairs of the Faculty Tower. Not many students or staff were present, as most had gone down to dinner. The portraits in the corridor played a spooky melody on their instruments, and the two of them paused to listen a moment.

"Think one of them would know the password?" Sebastian asked.

"Even if they did, I doubt they'd give it to us," Cassia said. "No matter, though. I think I've heard Natty mention it before—Luffa acutangula or something like that."

"That sounds like a word you made up."

"I did not! I think it's a type of gourd."

Cassia bobbed her head to the tune as they continued onward. Sebastian cast a sidelong glance at her and smirked, shaking his head.

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