Chapter 24 - A Grave Encounter

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Trigger Warning: Physical Violence and Strong Language

In a single, violent second, Poppy vaulted to her feet, and the Disillusionment spell dropped from Ominis. He pulled her back and threw a hand over her mouth, muffling a shriek of outrage as she writhed, trying to pull away. He lifted her from her feet and stumbled into the cover of trees while she kicked and pushed at him, scrambling for her wand. Cassia hurtled after them, feeling her own spell melt away as Sebastian did the same.

"Let me go! Get off!" Came Poppy's suppressed cries. Tears streaked her cheeks as she lost all sense, ravening for justice.

Cassia peeked from their cover as Ominis shushed her. Three figures entered the hollow, mantled in shabby robes, and approached the lifeless Unicorn.

"Did you 'ear that?" One of them, a man, asked. "I thought I 'eard someone scream."

"Prolly the beast's dyin' cry," a gruff, female voice said.

"Unicorns don' make noise like that, do they?" Said the first. "'Sides, the Killin' Curse is s'posed to be painless."

"You think someone's hangin' around?" The woman asked.

Cassia ducked behind the trees, holding her breath as the woman gazed at their thicket. Sebastian touched her shoulder, holding his wand at the ready while Ominis grasped Poppy even tighter.

"Stop, Poppy, stop! Not now!" He hissed in barely a whisper.

Rationality appeared to return, and as she ceased kicking, Ominis let her go. She dropped to her knees, shaking. Cassia sank further into the shadows as the woman started toward them, but the man called her back.

"Forget it. If anyone's stupid enough to show their rotten face, we'll blast 'em, too. Let's just get the job over with."

The woman hesitated a moment but gave in, returning to the man and the third figure, which Cassia now noticed was a hulking foot taller than the others. He heaved the Unicorn's body over his shoulder without a sound and followed his companions who uttered disgusting words.

"Think we'll be cursed now? They say it's a bad thing to drink Unicorn's blood."

"Why should we care? We ain't eatin' it."

"Eurgh! Imagine how much gold we could make if we didn't 'ave to throw it away."

Their voices trailed off, and Poppy rushed into the hollow, collapsing where the Unicorn fell. Cassia caught up, the boys close behind, and kneeled with her friend. The forest was as quiet, even peaceful, as before—as though it hadn't happened at all. The only hint was the dented snow and footprints vanishing into the trees.

"We're going after them, aren't we?" Cassia asked.

Poppy stared at the poachers' trail, eyes hard and lips pursed, breathing heavily. "They'll lead us right to their camp. We'll follow them for now, but it would be unwise to take revenge when we're so underprepared."

Cassia looked to Sebastian, then to Ominis who shook his head. Revenge wasn't a priority, as senseless as the unicorn's death was. She touched Poppy's arm, hoping to remind her of the real reason for their quest, but Poppy didn't respond. Instead, she simply got up and began marching after the footprints, righteous anger pouring from her tiny frame.

"Think she'll do something rash?" Sebastian whispered as they followed.

"No, she has too much sense," Cassia said. "But let's keep up, just in case."

Poppy moved more swiftly than usual, and Cassia had to jog to stay with her. It was amazing how quiet and stealthy her small friend could be, even at this speed. While Cassia, Sebastian, and Ominis cracked twigs and stumbled over upturned roots, Poppy evaded every loose stone and passed dried foliage without rustling a leaf. Every few moments, she cast a vexed look over her shoulder, indicating that, once again, someone had made too much noise.

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