Chapter 36 - Schoolground, Battleground

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Cassia sauntered into the Great Hall and toward the Gryffindor table, where the students were somewhat rowdier than the Slytherins and Ravenclaws. Hector Jenkins shot a playful insult to Lawrence Davies, who had tossed a grape at him; paper cranes fluttered from Cressida's wand, dropping tiny shreds onto Nellie's morning bacon; and a group of Second-Years sang a rude song that lost them house points when Professor Shah strolled past. Amit had dropped in from the Ravenclaw table and was talking with great animation to Natty, Garreth, and Leander. Upon seeing her, Leander brightened. He motioned for Garreth to scoot over so she could sit beside him.

"Hello, love." He greeted her with a kiss.

"Good morning," she muttered. She grabbed a napkin and dabbed her lips as if it were something she did before every meal.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I slept alright. Hey, Natty, Amit. It's nice to see you both."

"Lovely of you to join us," Natty said.

Her black eyes sparkled, and Cassia was grateful for her presence—she'd have at least one close friend to get her through what was certain to be an awkward breakfast.

"I was just telling everyone about the solar eclipse this spring. Not something to miss," Amit said.

"That'll be something fun for us to do." Leander put his arm around her and gave her a sudden squeeze.

Startled, she dropped her spoon. "Leander, I can't eat when you do that."

"Ah, sorry." He retrieved it from the floor and brushed it off.

Cassia thanked him and dished herself some porridge. Across the Hall, Sebastian, Ominis, and Poppy all sat together. A heaviness settled onto her shoulders as she wondered what they were talking about, especially when Sebastian pushed his hair back. It was hard to tell from a distance, but she thought he looked just as sad as she felt. Something bumped her hand.

"Whoops, sorry about that," Leander apologized, buttering a slice of bread. He edged his hand from hers.

"It's fine."

"What kind of creature do you think Howin's brought in today? Besides the Perytons, of course—bastards are getting nastier with every passing week. You're going today, aren't you?"

Cassia sighed. She couldn't avoid Beasts class forever. Although she had done a good job thus far, Professor Howin had threatened to fail her for the entire year if she missed even one more lesson. She gazed at the Slytherin table.

"Yes, I'm going." She resigned.

"Brilliant! Honestly, having so many classes with you but never getting to be close has been torture. You can borrow my robe in Astronomy if you get cold."

"He's honestly been annoying all year—all lovesick and pining," Garreth added through a full mouth. "Thanks for finally dating him. You've saved my sanity."

Cassia nodded, unsure what to say. Leander, buttering a second slice, bumped her hand again. She inched from him, hoping he wouldn't notice how little she wanted to be there.

"What, exactly, happened with Sebastian, Cassia?" Amit asked. "And what about Poppy and Ominis? Are you not friends anymore?"

"We're still friends!" She said quickly.

Although, she wasn't entirely sure. Poppy, frustrated by her refusal to talk to Sebastian, had been cold ever since she asked Leander out. And Ominis, although ever loyal, wouldn't leave Sebastian if forced to choose between them.

"Amit, maybe that's a question you shouldn't ask," Natty said gently. She winked at Cassia, and Cassia gave her a thankful nod.

"Oh, right. Sorry," Amit apologized.

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