Chapter 37 - Valentine's Day

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Central Hall had been mostly repaired. The marble Unicorn stood strong and wild upon the fountain, inviting students to gather again. Every brick had been put in its place, and every tile had been mended. The only evidence of the Red Lion attack was the suits of armor, which occasionally crumpled into squat shapes and whimpered until someone put them right. Cassia and Ominis strolled past a painting rehung in its proper place. The brass moth on its frame fluttered its wings, happy to be home again. Ominis muttered something Cassia didn't catch, and the red glow of his wand sparked orange.

"So, you're meeting up with Leander, huh?" He asked.

"Yes, don't judge me."

"I didn't say anything."

"You just did."

"That's an unrelated matter," he said as his wand lit up again. "How long are you going to date him, then?"

Cassia grumbled and shrugged. He'd hardly left her alone since the attack, constantly giving her dueling advice and inquiring about her safety. More than once, he'd pulled her close, rubbing her back and making her promise not to leave the castle. Sometimes, his hand wandered lower than she liked.

"So what will the two of you do today? Going to Crossed Wands?" Ominis asked.

"No, he's walking me to Hecat's office. I've got an appointment with her and the Weez. I think they want to know why the Red Lion targeted me."

"And what will you tell them?"

Cassia sighed. "The truth? I don't see how I can talk my way out of this one. If Luther and that Killian-Rookwood lady are willing to assault the school, I can't put everyone in danger."

Her throat tightened as she thought of the many innocent students lying injured in the Hospital Wing.

"Speaking of Crossed Wands," Ominis said, orange sparks glinting, "have you heard how Lucan's faring?"

"He's still in rough shape, but Nurse Blainey assured the club he'll fully recover. Nellie's taking over until then. What are you doing?"

Again, he'd muttered his funny words, changing the red glow to orange. "I'm trying to make a new spell, one that'll turn Duncan's morning pumpkin juice into hotdog water."

Cassia threw her head back and laughed for the first time in weeks. "That's brilliant! Last night, he was in the common room bragging about fighting a Werewolf in the Forbidden Forest. I don't know why he tries so hard; everyone knows he's full of baloney. Of course, he didn't lose one-hundred-and-fifty house points in a single day."

"I'd love to see his face once I succeed. You won't see it either if you aren't sitting with us."

"I know."

"You can do something about it."

"I know."

Ominis flicked his wand in the direction of a First-Year sipping some Butterbeer. The boy suddenly wretched and exclaimed something was wrong with his drink.

"Perfect!" Ominis grinned.

From the corner of her eye, Cassia glimpsed Leander a moment before he pushed his way between them. He put his arm around her waist and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"There you are, love. What are you doing here, Gaunt?"

"Making stooges out of First-Years," Ominis said.

"Huh, okay. Well, Cassia and I are leaving." He edged Cassia away before she could say goodbye. When they were out of earshot, he asked, "Why are you talking to him?"

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