Chapter 15 - Voices

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Ominis returned Sunday evening just before dinner. Cassia and Sebastian greeted him outside the school gates as he and Mr. Moon approached from Hogsmeade. Cassia waved, momentarily forgetting that her friend wouldn't see it.

"Welcome back, Ominis," Sebastian said as he and Mr. Moon approached. Cassia noticed him biting his lip, eyes shining with anticipation.

"Thank you, Sebastian," Ominis said, "and thanks, Mr. Moon, for the escort."

"Pleasure," droned Mr. Moon. Cassia wrinkled her nose, catching a whiff of sour tang as he spoke. "One of my many assigned duties, so I must attend to it. You take care now. Run along with your little friends."

The caretaker nodded at them, then sauntered away, humming to himself and staggering slightly.

"Imbibing a bit early, isn't he?" Cassia said. "He should at least wait until he's off duty. Anyway, how was Brocburrow, Ominis?"

"Yes, and how's Anne?" Sebastian added quickly.

Pumpkins as large as mastiffs lined the walkway of the North Tower courtyard. A flock of crows squawked from the ramparts, likely waiting for a quiet moment to peck at the gourds. Cassia ran her fingertips over their smooth ridges as she and her friends walked toward the castle.

"It was fine. It was good," Ominis said. "Anne is doing well. She only had a few episodes while I was there."

"Is she alright? What happened?" Sebastian asked.

"The usual. But she got through it. I stayed with her throughout each of them, just to be sure. She did have a really nasty one, though. She collapsed on the floor and could hardly move for several minutes. She was exhausted when it was over, and Eddie Thistlewood had to carry her to the sofa. I kept a wet cloth on her forehead because she was burning up."

Sebastian paused, his face scrunching with distress. Ominis put a hand on his shoulder, and Cassia noticed he, too, wore a look of concern—furrowed brows, tightened lips. She had only met Anne a handful of times and therefore didn't know her as well, but she knew the sick girl was special to the two boys.

"I wish I could have been there for her," Sebastian said hoarsely.

Cassia's stomach twisted, remembering how Anne partially blamed her for Sebastian's actions. Now, Cassia blamed herself that he couldn't be with his twin sister when she needed him most.

"She's okay, though, Sebastian. I promise. She was fine when I left," Ominis said. "But there is something else I need to tell you. Something I think you should be aware of, Cassia."

Cassia met Ominis' icy eyes, wondering if she should be glad for the change of topic.

"Well, what is it?" She insisted when he didn't immediately explain.

He tilted his head, listening. "No one's around, right?"

"There are some first-years a little ways off, but no one close by," Sebastian said.

Ominis stopped and sat on one of the pumpkins. Cassia sat next to him, but Sebastian remained standing, arms crossed.

"During one of her good days, Anne and I went on a walk in the hills just outside the hamlet. There were some people up there, unsavory ones. Anne said they wore hoods and scarves over their faces. I don't think they saw us. We didn't get too close once we noticed they were there, and we didn't stay long, but I heard them talking about Chimeras and some other creature I'd never heard of before, a 'sloof' or something. But, more importantly, one of them mentioned 'looking for the student who did us wrong.'"

The evening suddenly seemed frigid. Sebastian sat beside Cassia and put a hand on her knee, frowning. Her gaze flicked back and forth, not quite seeing anything.

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