Chapter 25 - Aerolite

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Poppy made good on her promise to speak with Professor Howin, and it seemed she had worded things just right. No one in their little group was suspected of breaking school rules, but security had been tightened, and professors patrolled the school and its grounds all throughout the day and night. Slipping away for midnight escapades would be much trickier from then on.

On the first of December, as Cassia was half-running to breakfast, a crowd of students had gathered around the common room bulletin board, drawing her attention. She slowed to a walk and went to investigate the excitement. Tall though she was, she couldn't read the notice from the back, even standing on her toes. Luckily, Duncan Hobhouse announced the news.

"The Yule Ball. Oh no, does this mean I have to ask someone?"

"Well, they're certainly not going to ask you," Andrew Larson quipped, drawing several laughs.

Cassia tapped her foot, considering the annual event. Fairy lights, the smell of pine, icy sculptures. The Great Hall would be wholly transformed into something so otherworldly even witches and wizards would find it magical. There would be music, elegant dress, and dancing. Dancing closely. With a date.

That light, fluttering bird she'd felt before peeked from her chest to inspect the air. She cleared her throat, hoping to settle it.

"Yes?" Duncan turned to her, a look of surprise coming over him.

"I wasn't talking to you," she said and hurried from the crowd.

At breakfast, she plopped into her usual place across from Sebastian and Ominis and grabbed a slice of toast. Poppy hadn't arrived yet, so she set her bag on her spot. The Great Hall buzzed with chatter of the ball. It was over two weeks away, but girls already talked about their ideal gowns, and boys bemoaned the fear of rejection. A Ravenclaw first-year puffed out his chest, demonstrating how he would approach a girl until his brother smacked his head and reminded him no one younger than fourth-year was allowed.

"Well, I suppose you've heard the news," Ominis said, sipping his tea.

"About the ball? Yeah," Cassia replied. "Think you two will go?"

Ominis shrugged, carefully setting his cup away from Cassia. "If I feel like it."

"I think the real question is," Sebastian said, "will you go? I can't imagine you in a dress."

"I don't mind dresses," Cassia protested. He had a point, though. Unlike the other girls with their long skirts, she always opted for a pair of trousers. "I just find them difficult to move in. A girl can't climb a tree without showing off her drawers."

"When's the last time you wore a dress?"

"Um... last Yule Ball."


"So? You said I wouldn't go because I wouldn't wear a dress. Well, I wore a dress, didn't I? You lose this one, Sallow."

Sebastian bit into his apple. "And I gladly concede."

"What about you? Are you going to go?" Cassia buttered another slice of toast.

Sebastian looked at the ceiling, tapping his chin and feigning deep thought. "We'll see."

"'We'll see?' What does that mean?"

"Depends if there's anyone pretty enough to ask. Ow!"

Cassia kicked him under the table. "That's rude, Sebastian! There are plenty of beautiful girls, and I know for a fact Samantha finds you attractive."

As she said it, the little songbird grew talons and a curved beak.

"Does she, now?" Sebastian stretched his neck to look at her dormmate.

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