Chapter 31 - Secrets on the Shoreline

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"Mum! Dad!"

Cassia leaped onto the platform and ran to her parents, giving each of them a big squeeze. The station was filled with other students greeting loved ones with just as much enthusiasm. A first-year girl burst into tears, whimpering about homesickness as her father hugged her, and a Hufflepuff boy embraced a much younger sibling.

"Woah! Easy, Cassia," Dad said as she nearly toppled him.

"How's Grandad? Has Clarissa and her family come yet? What about Myrick? And Xavier and Conrad? Are the cats alright?" Cassia bounced on her toes, eager for the holiday reunion with her siblings.

Mum laughed. "Everyone's fine, and no, no one's arrived—not for a few days still. There you are, Sebastian." She pulled him into a hug, then studied his face. "What happened to your eye, dear?"

Cassia and Sebastian glanced at each other. Further down the platform, Leander reunited with his family, each with hair just as red. His brother playfully punched his shoulder, and Leander returned the gesture.

"A disagreement with one of the school beasts," Sebastian said, "but I think I put him in line."

"Ah, Beasts class," Mum mused, "nothing a bit of potion can't fix. Get your things, then. The carriage is waiting."

As the flying carriage soared through the clouds, Cassia entertained her parents with the term's events—Quidditch, Crossed Wands, Professor Ronen's latest games, and how Garreth nearly blew up the Potions classroom by mixing wormwood and Bursting Mushrooms ("Professor Sharp was not happy. Of course, I wouldn't be happy either if I didn't have any eyebrows"). But, she omitted their more exciting adventures.

"Can I get another cat?" Cassia asked, leaning toward the window. She could see the bare trees and tiny cottages. They were getting close.

"You already have four cats," Dad said. "Why would you possibly need another one?"

"One I can take to school. I'd name him Eeep—with three E's."

"You can take Bones when you go back."

"Yeah, but he'll bite everyone."

Unlike Hogwarts and the surrounding hamlets, there was no snow in Horsham Hollow, where the warm southern sea kept the village quite temperate. The dead grass crunched as Cassia climbed from the carriage and took a deep breath of briny air. The cottages and farms had mostly recovered from the Red Lion attack. One would only notice the broken trees and charred streaks of earth if they knew where to look. Cassia clapped her hands in delight to see her home had been entirely repaired.

She abandoned her things and ran for the front door. "Grandad! Grandad!"

Her grandfather shuffled from his seat beside the cosy fire as she burst inside. He wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her head. "There's my girl! How are you? Did you travel alright? Oh, take your shoes off. No need to get your nan started."

Cassia kicked off her and waved her wand to clean up the messy footprints.

"Uh-uh! No underage magic in the house!" Nan scolded as she rounded the corner.

"Hello, Nan," Cassia said dryly. "I'll be seventeen in a few weeks. Who cares?"

But Sebastian came inside, carrying both his and Cassia's trunks, and Nan forgot about her.

"There you are, dear boy! Here, set those down and give me a hug. My, look at you. You're eating well, then? I think we'll have to adjust your robes during the break. Nice to see you not so peaky for a change, but your eye—tch! Sit down, darling. I'll bring you some biscuits."

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