Chapter 33 - Unlucky Number Seventeen

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Snow flurried about as Cassia darted through the crowd, pushing through the students and piles of luggage. An owl screeched as she bumped its cage in her hurry, and a second-year told her to watch out. She threw her arms around Ominis' neck and hugged him.

"Oof! Cassia, that better be you!" He said.

"Of course it is," Sebastian said, following her. "Who else would lovingly strangle you?"

"I just missed you!" She exclaimed.

Cassia released Ominis, and the boys embraced.

"How was your holiday?" Ominis asked.

He had been waiting for them outside the North Exit along with others who hadn't traveled far for the break. Now, as the carriages arrived from Hogsmeade Station, friends greeted one another as if they were family.

"It was great. I walloped Cassia in a duel," Sebastian fiddled with the aerolite shard hanging around his neck. "How was yours?"

"Pleasant and quiet," he said. "The Thistlewoods had some family visit, but they didn't seem to mind Anne and me being there."

At the mention of Anne, Poppy—who had ridden the train with Cassia and Sebastian—gave a slight cough.

Ominis brightened. "Poppy, there you are! How was your break?"

But Poppy didn't have a chance to respond. As Ominis reached for her, Sebastian blurted, "How is Anne? Is she doing alright? Did she—did she like my gift?"

Ominis sighed as he and Poppy parted. "She's still quite ill, and some days she was rather depressed. I don't imagine the long, dark days are helpful. But she's as strong in spirit as ever. I gave her the tea set and said it reminded you of her. She accepted it but didn't say anything. But I don't think she was displeased! She cleared a spot for it on her desk. It stayed there all break."

Sebastian nodded slowly, seeming to consider this. "But she's doing okay? Her health is fine?"

"As fine as it ever is."

"Do you think she'd let me write?"

"You can try, Sebastian, but I'm still not sure she's ready."

Sebastian shifted his feet, quiet for a moment, then nodded. "That's alright. She can take all the time she needs."

Cassia tugged on her scarf as a chilly breeze blew past. Other students were filing into the castle, chattering and laughing. One by one, the carriages rolled away, and hired porters hauled the luggage inside where it would be safe from the falling dark.

"Come on," she beckoned. I'd like to have some dinner before the First Years eat it all."

Sitting with her friends at the Slytherin table, Cassia heaped potatoes and roast beef onto her plate, her stomach grumbling. A thousand candles glittered above, lighting the ceiling that swirled with a coming storm.

"Poppy, you never told us about your holiday," Ominis said.

"I told Cassia and Sebastian," Poppy muttered. Then, her expression softened. "But I guess I haven't told you."

As Poppy recounted her time caring for a litter of Crups her gran had rescued, Cassia sighed, taking in the peaceful atmosphere. She'd loved being home with her family, but she was glad to be back at school. The Great Hall, with its fires and good food; her snug dorm; and the corridors filled with secrets had become a home in itself—and her beloved friends, a second family.

"Dogs are a bit too much for my preference," Ominis said, sipping from his goblet, "but the Crup puppies were certainly safe in your capable hands."

"Thank you, Ominis," Poppy tapped her fork, looking away from him. "I'll be sad to see them go, but I know my gran will find them good homes."

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