Chapter 13 - The Fifth Element

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"Ouch! Dammit!" Cassia cursed, jerking her hand away from Finch's greedy mouth.

The Peryton stepped toward her, stretching his neck and straining his tether as far as it would go. He nipped at her again, trying to gobble up the feed in her now tightly closed palm. She scowled at him and slowly uncurled her fingers to examine the bite. No blood, but the skin was bright pink with obvious, toothy indentations.

A watery sun glimmered on the paddock, a light breeze ruffling the grass. The other groups had made friends with their Perytons since that first class. Duncan, Charlotte, and Violet each brushed the thrush-spotted Peryton, the creature bleating and chirping blissfully. The robin-plumed Peryton rhythmically kicked his talon as Grace scratched his withers just right. And then there was Finch, who enjoyed knocking over his feed bucket, biting hands, and flapping his wings violently at Leander.

"He got you good, didn't he?" Sebastian said, examining Cassia's bite.

"Yes," she growled. She tossed the handful of feed onto the ground, where Finch all but inhaled it.

"Glad I'm not the only one he doesn't like." Leander leaned crossed-arm against the paddock fence, watching with a half-bored, half-annoyed expression.

"It's not that he doesn't like me; he just likes food more," Cassia argued. Every crumb devoured, Finch looked at her expectantly, but she wasn't ready to be friendly yet. "You ate it all, you glutton!"

"Well, he's been fed, brushed well enough. Should we call it good?" Sebastian asked. Strings hung from the hem of his sleeve. Finch hadn't enjoyed the brushing at all and let Sebastian know by tearing his robe.

"Yes, please." Cassia massaged her palm. "I take back what I said before, Finch. You're not a good boy. You two want to return the supplies, and I'll set him loose?"

Leander didn't need asking twice. He tossed the brushes into the bucket, making a beeline for the gate. "Gladly."

"I'll come with you," Sebastian said to Cassia. "No one should handle that thing on their own. I imagine you know the Mending Charm, don't you? I'm none too handy with it myself."

"Sure thing." Cassia hardly heard what he said as she untied Finch from the fence post, bracing herself for a sudden escape.

And escape he did. The moment his tether slackened, Finch bolted, ripping the ropey restraint through Cassia's already throbbing hands. He loped gleefully among his herd mates, who were still nuzzling their handlers.

"I'll get him," Sebastian offered as Cassia glared at her raw palms. He ran after the errant beast, casting Immobulus as he went.

Cassia pulled a healing salve from her pocket, wincing as her skin pinched together, and rubbed it over her hands. Although she would never say it in front of Poppy, she thought she might like Finch better as venison at that moment.

Leander joined her at the fence. "Well, I'm glad that's done. How'd we get so unlucky?"

"Jinxed, perhaps," Cassia said.

Sebastian returned, carrying Finch's tether. "Got it. Let's go, shall we?"

Finch was now tormenting the thrush-spotted Peryton, butting him with his head and challenging him to a game, making it difficult for Duncan, Charlotte, and Violet to finish their work. Cassia felt like she should rescue her classmates, but with palms still stinging, decided not to.

She, Sebastian, and Leander pushed through the gate, grumbling about their choice of class pet. Sebastian pulled his watch from his pocket as Grace shrieked from the paddock. Cassia turned her back to the sound, not wishing to see what havoc Finch was raising now.

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