Chapter 29 - Emotional Disturbance

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The sounds of crackling fires and bubbling cauldrons filled the Potions classroom. Stirring utensils clinked, knives chopped, and the various concoctions hissed as new ingredients were added, compensating for the absolute silence of the working students.

Professor Sharp had allotted a few hours outside of class for sixth-years to practice before the Christmas break, warning that some were "in dire need." Although Cassia was far from struggling in the subject, she took advantage of the offer, deciding it would be a good idea to have plenty of supplies for whatever Professor Herbert had planned. She wiped the sweat from her forehead as she leaned over her Blood-Replenishing Potion. The color wasn't quite right, and she suspected she needed more powdered Unicorn horn.

Beside her, Andrew Larson and Eric Northcott worked on their own concoctions, and Charlotte Morrison frantically searched through an assortment of ingredients on a shelf. Professor Sharp hunched over his desk, scrawling on a sheet of parchment. Every few minutes, he lifted his face to consider his students before shaking his head and returning to work. At the adjacent table, Leander sliced a Gurdyroot. He turned his head slightly, meeting Cassia's eyes, and gave her a twitch of a smile. Cassia jerked her gaze back to her potion, stirring more vigorously than necessary. He'd been staring at her throughout the past hour, and Cassia had done her best to conceal herself in her cauldron's fumes. It was distracting and likely why she hadn't completed her potion yet.

A shred of Boomslang skin had fallen into a dish containing several Unicorn horns. Cassia placed it in its proper container before selecting one of the white horns and grinding it into a shimmering powder. The cauldron sputtered as she stirred, and the potion turned a deep shade of red. Much better.

Against her better judgment, she glanced at Leander. He wasn't looking at her, but he took a deep breath and nodded as if he were preparing himself for something. Cassia swallowed. Although she now had a valid reason to turn down an invitation to the Yule Ball, he could, in fact, still ask her. An uncomfortable conversation was coming, she knew, bubbling up like the froth in her potion.

She tapped her foot impatiently. Her potion needed to simmer. Even a slight nudge could throw it off at this stage—complete stillness was vital. Unable to touch it, she had nothing to do but wait and worry about Leander. She needlessly sliced some stewed Mandrakes, then dug the end of her knife into the cutting board in a pitiful attempt to look busy. Poppy's proposed rejection echoed feebly in her mind—something about a lovely person, not feeling the same way,  and finding someone deserving. It sounded stupid, and no matter how she said it, it would always sound stupid. She grumbled under her breath, wishing she was better at confrontation.

Leander had gazed at her for nearly a full minute, and Cassia considered whipping up an Invisibility Potion next. He whispered something to Garreth, who shared his table, then stepped toward her. He carried himself with a confidence she'd never seen in him, and she just knew something was coming. Right there in front of everyone. She glanced around to see if anyone else was watching.

Lovely person. Different feelings. Find someone else... No, that wasn't it, she thought as she gnawed on her lip.

A sensation like scurrying Billywigs pricked her skin. She could no longer hide behind the potion fumes as he nodded at her. She couldn't even look away. Closer. Closer. Tension gurgled in her stomach, and he broke into a grin. He was at her side. He opened his mouth. She needed to say something.


It spilled full-volume from her lips before she could stop it. Professor Sharp ceased his scribbling, and every face turned toward her. Garreth dropped an Ashwinder egg with a plop that resounded through the silent room. Leander stood stark still.

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