Chapter 19 - The Grotto

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Professor Howin had brought a particularly delightful beast for class that week: a Carbuncle—a small, fluffy animal somewhere between a cat and a fox that was prized for the brilliant gem on its forehead. However, the shy creature soon tired of the many hands feeding and stroking it, and it scurried away to hide in a straw-filled box.

"I suppose that's it, then," Professor Howin said gruffly. "It's important to give your beasts proper space. Remember that. Maybe next time, I can get two or three instead of just the one. Anyway, off with you. The Perytons need tending."

"That was spectacular," Cassia said to Sebastian. She gazed back at the makeshift den as they strolled across the frosty grounds. "I wish we could have more beasts like that. Ominis would have loved it, too. Oh, it makes me miss Mungo and Crumple and Grimmy. And Bones, of course."

"Now, we get to have a load of fun with Bitey or Scratchy or Screechy or whatever nickname he's going to earn himself this week," Sebastian said.

Professor Howin had recently instructed the class on how to exercise Perytons properly, as feeding and grooming weren't enough for the high-maintenance beasts. Finch, of course, always made this as difficult as possible.

He pranced through the paddock, leaping, kicking, and flapping his iridescent wings. It was a wonder he hadn't flown away. Leander collected the supplies while Cassia braced herself for the struggle to come. Her arms were still sore from the last class.

Sharp buds had sprouted from his skull, making it particularly tricky to secure him. He tossed his head, scratching Cassia's wrists when she attempted to slip a harness over him.

"Ouch! Stop, Finch! Immobulus!"

Finch froze, and Cassia placed the bridle.

"Not sure Howin would approve of that," Sebastian chided.

"Right now, I don't care what Howin approves of."

Cassia held onto the bridle rope while Sebastian and Leander took the ones on either side. However, now that he was prepared and allowed to roam outside the paddock, Finch had become unwilling to move. He dug his hooves and talons into the ground as they ushered him forward and flapped his wings in protest. With a squawk, he jerked on the rope, but Cassia, gritting her teeth, jerked back.

"Come on, Finch. You love exercise time."

The other groups trotted their Perytons around the grassy fields, talking to them in sing-song voices and scratching their ears. The rosy pink and robin-plumed Perytons soared happily in the sky, guided by their carefree handlers below. Cassia tugged on her rope, Sebastian and Leander pulling on theirs beside her, but despite each mighty heave, Finch stubbornly remained put.

"Maybe someone should push him from behind," Sebastian grumbled.

"I'm not going near those talons. He already hates me." As Leander said it, Finch flashed a side-eye glare at him.

"Maybe Duncan will swap with us," Sebastian suggested, his face twisting with effort. "We can threaten to sic Ominis on him if he doesn't."

"Okay, I've had enough. Here, take this." Cassia shoved the rope toward Sebastian.

"I'm already dealing with my own! No way are you going to walk off like that." He protested.

"No, I'm not going to walk off like that. Now, take it."

He snatched the rope, making sure she saw his disgruntled expression. Finch took several steps back, and he and Leander stumbled. Cassia shook the cramps from her hands as she walked behind the Peryton, being sure to give him a wide berth. Sebastian and Leander bickered about something, but she couldn't tell what. With Finch's rump before her, she raised her wand.

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