Chapter 12 - The First Task

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Just past the spiders' lair was a lake exactly as the Sender had described. There, the trees parted to let in the moon, which shined upon the viridescent water, its reflection gleaming like an emerald. Glimmering insects flitted about the stones and scrubby vegetation, illuminating the mist with a phantasmal glow. Even Cassia's breath was tinged with green as she and her friends walked along its shore, searching for the depression in the earth.

An owl hooted as Cassia tested the ground with her foot, feeling for a soft give. "It should be around here. This is the north side, right?"

"Yes," Poppy said. She bounced on her toes, but either she was in the wrong spot or was simply too light to elicit a hint from the hidden vault. "Revelio!" She looked at Cassia and shrugged when the spell failed.

Ominis stepped away from them, searching through the shadows in case the secret lay farther into the trees. Meanwhile, Sebastian lagged behind. His chipper attitude had vanished, and Cassia knew it wasn't because of the spiders. She went to him and linked her arm through his.

"You alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine," he croaked. "Let's focus on your thing right now."

Cassia tried Revelio herself, but it, too, exposed nothing, so she and Sebastian followed Ominis deeper into the woods. Leaves crunched beneath their feet, scattering the mice and other critters hiding from the cold. Cassia squinted, watching for the glints of blue to light up the darkness.

"Hey, look here," Sebastian said dully after several minutes.

He stood beside a weathered stone where the earth dipped slightly. It was unassuming and no higher than Cassia's knees. Cassia crouched. The symbol upon it was faint, but in the moon's dim light, she traced the outline of a rune she knew well—twisting lines, flame-like—the very same she'd encountered in each of the Keeper's tasks and beyond.

"Nicely done, Sallow," she said. She noticed he alone hadn't used Lumos to light his way. "How'd you do it?"

He shrugged a tired shoulder. "Dumb luck."

Ominis and Poppy approached as Cassia tapped the symbol with her wand. She'd probably have to use Ancient Magic to open it.

"Well, let's hope I have some dumb luck, too."

She narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw, holding her wand steady against the stone. There was a sizzle and a pop, but nothing happened—no shaking earth or ethereal wisps.

"Come on," she muttered.

She turned inward, searching her core for the sensations that could turn mice to crystals or raise a village to the sky. If only something could jumpstart it, some trace or leftover pool she could absorb. She thought of the Repository, all the power locked away for the greater good, and wondered briefly if she had chosen to take it, if she might have more control.

Touching her hand to the symbol, she retraced it, thinking of the sensations she had felt before—crystal, cold, and weightlessness—dangerous though they'd been, and tried to feel them once more. She breathed deeply, imagining stone, icy shards, and billowing air all moving through her core, into her hand, and out the wand.

There was the faintest wisp of blue.

Cassia gasped and doubled back, breaking the connection.

"What is it?" Poppy asked.

"I summoned it... just a little. It's gone now, but maybe I can try again."

"Maybe this Sender knows what they're doing after all," Ominis said.

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