Chapter 16 - Halloween in Hogsmeade

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"Bloody hell!" Sebastian exclaimed when Cassia revealed the swirling black marks on her skin.

She and her friends stood in the little alcove outside the Great Hall, where she had just told them about her venture with Professor Herbert. She wore a scarf to hide the wound and now pulled it back over her neck.

"It's not as bad as it was," she said, "but it's probably not going away any time soon."

"Merlin's beard," Ominis said, "every other week, you're getting yourself beat up."

"A Wendigo," Poppy said thoughtfully. She tapped her chin as she stared into nothing. "A Red Lion, a Chimaera, a Lethifold. They're all exotic creatures—except the Lion, of course. And we can't forget the Quintaped. Someone's importing these beasts illegally. I'm going to look into this. With my parents being what they are, perhaps there's something I can dig up."

"Thanks, Poppy," Cassia said. "I'm so tired. If I weren't falling behind in Transfiguration, I think I'd just take the day off and sleep. Maybe I'll brew a Vitamix Potion before classes."

"I can't believe Herbert would do something like this," Sebastian growled. "She must be bonkers, risking your life just to get a glimpse of your Ancient Magic. I don't think you should go on any more escapades with her. Not alone, at least. What a reckless thing to do."

"Have you reported this? The staff ought to know if yet another monster is so close to the castle," Ominis said. He added with a snort, "Not to mention Herbert's endangerment of a student."

"I haven't. I should, but what if the Sender writes me again? I can't risk more restrictions. I know it's selfish. But Professor Herbert said she'd say something. I suppose we'll see if she follows through."

However, it seemed Professor Herbert hadn't said anything at all because that Saturday, students were free to roam about, much to everyone's delight. It was Halloween, and not only was the school filled with floating jack-o-lanterns and web-like drapes, but a festival was being held in Hogsmeade all day. To top it off, a fireworks show would conclude the celebrations, and students were permitted to attend.

Cassia, Sebastian, Ominis, and Poppy made their way through the Bell Tower Wing. The school ghosts sang a festive song, and rowdy first-years, full of sugar, gamboled all amuck. Outside, the sun shone brightly, promising beautiful weather for the occasion. Cassia adjusted her scarf, looking forward to an afternoon where she didn't have to think about homework, Dark beasts, or Ancient Magic. She stepped to the side to avoid a squealing Slytherin boy who wasn't watching where he ran.

"Mr. Cobblecreek, I must remind you that you are inside! Miss Llewellyn, I don't care how impressive the conjuration is; please don't shoot streamers from your wand!" Professor Weasley stood amid the chaos, trying in vain to restore order. "Cromwell, Blakely! Take your dueling outside. Ten points from Gryffindor each! Godric's heart, to shame my own house like that."

Sebastian chuckled at the bedlam and turned to Cassia. "They're worse than you when you've had too many sweets."

Cassia smacked his arm. "That was one time."

"Uh-huh, okay. We'll see what happens when we buy refreshments in Hogsmeade."

They approached the doors, but Professor Weasley stopped them.

"Wait, Mr. Sallow! Wait just a moment." She scolded two boys preparing to set off a firework and confiscated the contraband. Breathless, she caught up to them. "Mr. Sallow, I apologize for the inconvenience. I know you're about to have a pleasant afternoon with your friends, but I'd like to have our weekly talk now if you don't mind. Regrettably, it's not the best time for me either, but the school board is coming to visit next week, and I won't have another opportunity."

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