Chapter 8 - The Incident in Lower Hogsfield

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Cassia took the stairs two at a time down to the Great Hall. The weekend was coming up, and although only a single week of term had passed, she was looking forward to a few days off. Sunlight fought its way from behind the clouds and trickled through the windows, beckoning her to play outside before the seasons turned. As usual, she wandered past her fellow Ravenclaws and made herself comfortable at the Slytherin table, wiggling between Sebastian and Ominis.

"Ouch, you oaf," Ominis grunted when she bumped his morning tea over his hand. He gave it a shake, purposefully flicking the hot droplets at her.

Cassia wiped them from her face and grabbed a piece of toast as Sebastian chided him.

"Come now, Ominis, that's no way to speak to our favorite girl."

"She's not a girl when she's bumbling around like a troll," Ominis snipped.

"Ha," Cassia laughed. "I should turn your tea to sludge for that."

"Try it, and you'll no longer be welcome at our table. You'll be eating every meal with Puffskein Dunkein."

"I'll send him your love."

Sebastian clinked his spoon against his untouched bowl of porridge. "I'll come with you. Leave Grumpy Gaunt here by his lonesome."

"I'd be better off alone than with a pair of tactless toads. Speaking of which, how was your date with Leander?" Ominis asked.

Cassia swallowed a bite of toast and shrugged. "Surprisingly, not terrible."

"What does that mean?" Sebastian's tone turned sour.

"It means I didn't hate it."

"So you enjoyed it, then?" Ominis asked, sipping his tea.

"Eh, it was fine. That's all."

Sebastian huffed, and Cassia looked at him.

"What was that for?" She asked.


With hooting and screeching, the owls soared into the Great Hall, dropping newspapers, letters, and packages to their intended recipients. Across the Hall, a box clattered onto Lenora Everleigh's breakfast. Cassia swatted away a falling feather as Ominis, his wand glowing red, reached for a letter that landed before him, a string of bumps addressing the envelope.

"Oh, it must be from Anne," he said, running his fingers over it.

Sebastian sat up straight, and Cassia wished she could grab his arm and pull him far away. Certainly, hearing what his sister had to say would only cause him distress. Ominis tore open the envelope and tapped the parchment with his wand, the neat handwriting morphing into rows of Braille.

"Tomorrow's Saturday," Cassia said through a mouthful of toast. "We should do something."

But Sebastian craned his neck to watch Ominis read, ignoring her entirely. Ominis chuckled softly, and Sebastian drummed his fingers against the table, his expression both anxious and impatient. Cassia tried again.

"Why wait for tomorrow? Let's do something after classes. I hear Albie Weekes is letting students try his new brooms for free."

She had actually heard no such thing but hoped such an offer would catch his attention. However, Sebastian pushed his porridge aside and held a finger to his lips to silence her. Cassia sighed. At last, Ominis folded the letter.

"Well, how is she?" Sebastian asked.

"She's fine," Ominis said. "She said the Thistlewoods won't play Gobstones with her anymore because they're tired of rinsing their clothes on the daily."

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