Chapter 20 - The Second Task

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[Trigger Warning: Contains Disturbing Imagery]

Cassia pounded on the lake wall, screaming for Ominis, screaming for Sebastian. In the gap, Ominis gurgled and writhed, trying to pull himself free. To her horror, Cassia noticed that his Bubblehead Charm had popped, and he was most certainly gulping mouthfuls of lake water as he twisted violently. Dissolving the tether would be simple, but only Sebastian could do it.

"Ominis! Ominis!" Cassia shrieked.

Her wand quivered in her hand. Accio. Depulso. Bombarda. She didn't think she could cast anything without hurting him. But if she did nothing, he would certainly drown.

And what was happening with Sebastian and Poppy? Why weren't they helping? Blood surged through her ears as her body filled with panic. Ominis was dying before her, and Sebastian and Poppy could be going through only Merlin knows what.

A voice screeched in her head, "You should have gone first! Why didn't you go first?!"

Perhaps she could try something with Ancient Magic, but what? And she didn't have full control of it. She could blast Ominis to pieces and possibly Sebastian and Poppy with him.

But there was no time to think.

An idea flooded into her mind, and she acted on it. She made a hard, fast, and determined intention as she took in the sensations around her. Cold water. Rough stone on her bleeding hands. Her own slamming heart pumping adrenaline so forcefully she thought she might be sick. Inwardly, she screamed for the Ancient Magic to obey her, and she gave it no other choice.

It spouted from her wand tip, and she commanded the water to release her friend at once. Just as before, its energy felt slippery—there was no other way to describe it. It swelled over her body. Pushing and pulling. She had to get it right. She had to get it just right, or it would be disastrous.

The frigid lake swirled toward her, and a pocket of air filled the gap. Through her Bubblehead Charm, she heard Ominis take a great, sputtering gasp as his face breached the newly formed surface. Cassia didn't know if she could hold it for long, but perhaps it would be just long enough. Ominis kicked and coughed as the narrow passage drained. Finally, he lay gasping on the stone, wet and frightened but alive.

Cassia pushed her head into the hole. She popped her bubble so he could hear her. "Are you alright?"

He shook his head, water dribbling from his lips as he wheezed. Cassia furrowed her brows. They couldn't stay here. They needed to find out what happened with Sebastian and Poppy. Furthermore, the magic wouldn't hold for long.

There was no room for Cassia in the gap. "Ominis, can you untangle yourself? We need to get out."

He blinked through a mat of wet hair, unanswering. Cassia wondered if he heard or even comprehended. Then, he inhaled deeply.

"I think so. It's... it's difficult."

"I know, but you need to try."

Had it not been magical, the tight tether would have broken. Cassia scowled at it, wishing her Ancient Magic would tear it like it had Finch's. Ominis wiggled feebly as she strained once more to summon her power. Just a little. That's all she needed.

Ominis sat up weakly, fumbling with the golden cord tangled around his wrist. Cassia crawled inward, cramming as much of herself as she could into the hole. It was incredibly tight next to Ominis, who still breathed deeply. She glanced to the other side, the wall of murky water held back by her magic. She couldn't see any hint of Sebastian or Poppy.

She tugged on the tether, wrapped in tight knots on the stone. There simply wouldn't be time. Sebastian and Poppy could be suffering. Her wand hissed, faint traces of Ancient Magic spilling out.

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