Chapter 30 - The Yule Ball

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Cassia looked herself up and down in the mirror, turned left, turned right, then smiled. She had decided to leave her hair down, and with a potion purchased from Sacharissa Tugwood, it fell in gentle waves over her back. She wore the same dress from last year—a lovely brocade gown in her favorite shade of midnight blue. The intricate patterns shone softly, and delicate beading lined the off-shoulder sleeves. The Wendigo scar had faded entirely at last, leaving only her ivory skin. She had never been one for makeup, but that night, she liked the silver powder lining her eyes. After the holidays, she'd have to thank Professor Herbert again.

Her dormmates busied themselves with last-minute preparations, caring as much for their appearances as she had. Samantha's black hair complemented a dress of the same color, and her lips stood out with a luscious red stain. Gertrude wore soft pink with matching hair bows, and Constance, who couldn't stop talking about her handsome date, wore elegant cream.

Stunned by her reflection, Cassia could have admired herself for much longer if she weren't so excited to begin the evening. So she looked in the mirror one last time, nodded in satisfaction, and left the dorm.

The Ravenclaw common room seemed entirely transformed. Instead of the typical black robes and blue uniforms, there was every color Cassia could have imagined. Girls gossiped around a Christmas tree, boys waited for their dates, and couples got an early start under some illicitly hung mistletoe.

She hurried down the marble staircase and past the eagle statue. She threw the door open with such enthusiasm that she nearly whacked a Hufflepuff boy standing in the antechamber. Several boys from other houses mingled there, waiting to escort their lovely partners, and one, in particular, pushed his way from the back when she appeared.

Sebastian's face lit up as he approached, and Cassia broke into a grin. She lingered atop the stairs a moment to admire him. He wore a charcoal suit that hugged his figure, revealing how much healthier he had become since the start of term. A line of gold ran along the edges of his lapel, and he wore a matching waistcoat and maroon tie. Cassia bounced on her toes as he gazed at her, and she couldn't deny how striking he was. She descended, so lost in the moment that she missed the last step and stumbled forward.

Sebastian grabbed her arm. "Woah! Careful, you. Can't have you spending the evening in the Hospital Wing."

"That would be disappointing!"

His eyes flicked over her face, and he smiled softly. "You're beautiful."

The bird in her chest soared about, singing a song of joy, and a pleasant warmth filled her cheeks. "Thank you."

 "Shall we, then?"

"Lead the way."

She took his arm, and they headed for the stairs. Thoughts of Ancient Magic, Dark beasts, aerolite, and aether fled from her mind as they laughed about Peeves tormenting Ferdinand's portrait. That night, they could forget about catacombs and the past and simply be friends enjoying each other's company for an evening of fun.

The Entrance Hall was alive with just as many colors as the common room. Cassia waved to Natty, who wore an amber gown. Beside her, Nerida Roberts, who was attending with Everett Clopton, twirled in a sea-green dress. Imelda Reyes, escorted by a tall seventh-year, donned silk the color of moonlight.

"Professor Ronen stands out, doesn't he?" Sebastian gestured toward the Charms professor, who wore shocking pink robes.

Cassia's jaw dropped when they entered the Great Hall. She knew it would be lavishly decorated, but it seemed like stepping into another world entirely. A dozen Christmas trees stood like a glittering forest as enchanted snow fell upon their branches. Auroras waved across the ceiling, which was dotted with a thousand stars. Floating luminaries cast dappled light, and real fairies bobbed like pastel gems. Ice sparkled on the walls and floor, but no one slipped as they danced to Ernie Lark's festive music.

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