Chapter 39 - In the Shadows of Brocburrow

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Cassia jiggled her foot, anxiously waiting for the bells to ring so she could flee from class. A bowl of yellow sulfur sat stinking before her, much like the rotten eggs served at breakfast earlier that day. While Professor Herbert prattled on about conjunction and the coming together of opposites, Cassia thought about the Sender's letter untouched in her bag, waiting to reveal its secrets.

She'd thought of little else since she and Sebastian discovered the secret study hidden within Ravenclaw Tower. It seemed impossible that the creator of the room was the person writing her, especially when, as she presumed, that creator had died hundreds of years ago. How far could Ancient Magic go? What were the limits of its power? Could it really transcend the confines of time and death? Her instincts told her, as they had with her exploits into Dark magic, that this was something to avoid trifling with; however, as with Dark magic, ravenous curiosity frothed like a mad dog looking for something to bite. She shook her head. It was a dangerous topic, yet one that wouldn't let go now that it had her in its jaws.

While she and Sebastian had explored the study, Ominis and Poppy had undergone their own adventure. After ensuring Anne was safe, they had gone with her to investigate the poacher camp. Whether because of good timing or dumb luck, it was empty aside from a growling Snallygaster. While Poppy placated the beast, Ominis and Anne investigated a nearby graveyard where Anne had said the strange ritual had been taking place. Haunting sigils had been carved into the headstones, so arcane that even Sebastian couldn't interpret the sketches they had brought back.

Professor Herbert instructed the class to slip on gloves and protective masks. Cassia did so and carefully unstoppered a phial of mercury. She poured it into the sulfur, and a faint hiss emitted as the silvery liquid pooled across the powder. Wispy vapors rose like smoke, exchanging the odor of rotten eggs for one of acidic tang. Garreth Weasley leaned too close to his concoction, earning him a reprimand.

"Move back, Garreth," Professor Herbert said. "The vapors released can be hazardous if inhaled. Nonetheless, if done correctly, you should find a new material has been created. In this case, cinnabar."

Cassia wafted away the fumes, studying the red, grainy substance that had formed as Professor Herbert continued.

"And thus, we see that two separate matters can combine to make a third, one that is stable and cannot be destroyed. As in practical alchemy, so it is in spiritual alchemy—the uniting of physical and ethereal, emotion and logic, grace and strength. It is believed that the witch or wizard who brings together these seemingly opposite forces will awaken within themselves a refined magic that those unwilling could only hope to imagine. The purifying process is one of pain but certainly worthwhile."

Her eyes settled on Cassia as she spoke, then flickered away when the bells rang at last.

"I suppose that's our time, then. Please clear your tables before you go. We don't want any particles slipping away. Professor Weasely would have my head if it somehow made it into the food. Cassia, a word, please?"

Cassia stopped mid-step, one foot over the threshold. She turned slowly to face Professor Herbert. Although the teacher smiled meekly—a show, Cassia knew, for the other students—her brows twitched as if fighting to maintain composure.

"I have another class, Professor."

"It'll just take a moment, I promise."

Cassia pursed her lips as crucibles clattered and fires fizzled out. Her peers left one by one. Soon, she and Professor Herbert would be alone.

"Whatever it is, Professor," she said. "Perhaps you could tell me on the way. I really can't be late for my other class."

"A bold request." Professor Herbert simpered. "But I'm afraid it's a more private matter regarding your, ah, performance in our lessons."

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