Chapter 6 - Hypatia Herbert

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Cassia didn't put her sling on the next morning. She stretched her arm and gave it a shake. Still stiff, but it would do. She grabbed her wand and heavy bookbag and hurried from the common room, down the Grand Staircase, and into the Great Hall, pausing along the way to pet one of the school cats.

Spotting Sebastian and Ominis, she turned away from the Ravenclaws and toward the Slytherin table instead. She nudged both of them aside so she could sit between them.

"Good morning, boys!"

"Good morning, Cassia," Ominis said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, for the most part."

She filled a bowl with porridge, adding a dash of sugar for extra sweetness. Spoons and dishes clinked, and students chatted away. Someone's wand emitted a loud whistle, causing those nearest to cover their ears. The rain had cleared up, and the enchanted ceiling shone a brilliant azure blue. Cassia gazed at it, hoping the weather would last until she finished her classes.

"I take it you're abandoning your fellow Ravenclaws again this year. They might not be too happy about that," Ominis said.

"Why wouldn't I when I have you two to hang out with?"

"Fair enough." Ominis grinned. "Especially when Ravenclaw has been tainted by Duncan Hobhouse."

Cassia laughed. She looked at Sebastian, who hadn't said a word. His face was pale, and he sat very still as though hoping he might vanish from the world if he pretended not to be part of it. She gave his elbow a squeeze, but he didn't acknowledge her.

"Do you see him?" Ominis said. "Is he here?"

"Who?" Cassia asked. She dropped her hand from Sebastian's arm.


Cassia gazed over the adjacent table until she saw him talking with Everett Clopton. "Yes, he's here."

"Good. Help me direct my face toward him. I must start the year by letting him know I'm still in charge."

Cassia laughed through a mouthful of porridge. Swallowing, she instructed, "A little to the left.... A little more.... Now, a bit toward the right. There you go."

"Excellent. Now, tell me when he's looking."

Cassia watched her housemate covertly, hoping he wouldn't catch her keeping an eye on him. "Okay, Ominis, he's looking."

Ominis, facing directly toward Duncan, lifted his middle and forefingers to his eyes, then turned his hand and pointed them at Duncan. Duncan furrowed his brows, and, frowning, turned back to his conversation with Everett.

"Did he see?" Ominis asked. "What did he do?"

"I think you put the fear of Morgan le Fay in him."

"Good. I want him to know that even without sight, I'm still watching him all hours of the day."

Cassia chuckled. "Oh, come on, can't you give him a break?"

"Not until he quits being a Pure-Blood supremacist and a ruddy, little coward."

Cassia laughed as Professor Sharp approached them.

"Mr. Gaunt, Mr. Sallow, your class schedules."

He handed each of them a timetable. Ominis thanked him, and Sebastian took his hollowly, his gaze blank, empty—seeing less than even his closest friend.

"Did you have a nice summer, Professor?" Cassia asked.

"It was fine, Miss Brightberry. But I want to remind you not to become complacent in your studies, especially in your potion-making. Raw talent can only get you so far."

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