Chapter 35 - Desperate Decisions

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As she had for many days now, Cassia strolled alone across the school grounds. The weather was mild, and the sun shone in an azure sky, casting a sparkling sheen over the snow. The bright day brought out the liveliness of both students and staff, and friend groups laughed together loudly. Even Professor Sharp greeted his colleagues with a cheerful hello.

But Cassia felt anything but bright. She was supposed to meet Leander that evening, and the thought dropped a heavy stone in her gut. Still simmering with anger and sadness, she wanted Sebastian to know even a crumb of her pain. But she had no feelings at all for the red-haired Gryffindor, so guilt nagged like a rock in her boot, as she knew she would only hurt him again. She swallowed hard, trying to push it away for the thousandth time, but it always lingered like a rotten smell.

Snow crunched as she made her way to the ramparts and pushed through a gate. Despite Poppy's advice not to go out alone, Cassia needed to clear her head if she was going to spend the next few hours with Leander. 

Cruelly leading him on, the guilt reminded her.

"Maybe it'll become something more," she muttered, although she seriously doubted it.

The drifts in the Forbidden Forest were deep, spreading through the trees like a sea of white. Cassia had to hike her legs with every step, and soon, she found herself panting. Some physical discomfort was precisely what she needed—a bit of aching on the outside to distract from the one within. Under the dappled sunlight, she pulled off her mittens and let the frozen crystals bite her skin.

She recalled Professor Howin saying Frost Salamanders were active this time of year. Perhaps if she journeyed far enough, she would spot a few. It would be something interesting to tell Poppy later. Although, the Hufflepuff hadn't been keen on speaking to her all day.

The gleeful sounds from the castle vanished as she pushed further into the shadows. It felt better in there, like she was hidden away from prying eyes and whispered rumors. Most of all, she was safe from Leander, Poppy, Ominis, and Sebastian. Especially Sebastian, who gave her that stupid puppy face whenever he spotted her in the corridors. She balled her fist and slammed it into a tree, watching the bark tumble off.

In the skeletal arms above, a ball of green hung vividly against the drab surroundings. White berries grew from its delicate fronds—an invitation for a lovers' rendezvous.

"Mistletoe," Cassia grumbled.

It was fitting, she thought, that a plant symbolic of romantic affection was laced with poison.

A sudden flurry of squawks grabbed her attention, and Cassia rushed to inspect a shaking bush. Trapped in the branches was a thrush, ruffled and entirely distraught as it flailed in vain to escape

"Shh..." Cassia said soothingly. "It's okay. I've got you. Just hold still."

She carefully reached in, wincing as a thorn scratched her skin, and the bird became very quiet.

"That's it. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help."

As she gently pulled its soft wing loose, it shrieked and flapped violently. Twigs snapped as it took to the air. Relishing in its escape, it darted left, right, up, and around before alighting upon a pine to chirp a song of freedom.

"That's better, isn't it?" Cassia said. "Glad you're alright, friend."

But as she stared at the trees, she stiffened. Her smile fell, and she stepped back. A man lurched from the shadows, mumbling something she couldn't hear. His gaze was downturned as he lumbered heavily through the snow, but that shabby coat was unmistakable. When he looked up and saw her face, the jagged scar confirmed her fear.

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