Chapter 22 - Jelly

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Cassia sat at the Slytherin table, bouncing her knees excitedly as she looked to the door of the Great Hall. Poppy sat beside her, fiddling with a small, brown-paper package tied with twine. Cassia smiled at her, and Poppy smiled back.

"They're usually here by now," Poppy said. Cassia caught a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"I'm sure Sebastian let Ominis sleep in a bit. Honestly, if Ominis had his way, he'd probably sleep all afternoon."

"And then some. It doesn't matter where."

Cassia shook her head. "No, it does not. Although, he tells me the floors in the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower are the best. Hm, maybe I should have gotten him a pillow."

She tapped her own package, a little bigger than Poppy's but not wrapped nearly as neatly.

"What on earth could make one floor more comfortable than another?" Poppy wondered aloud. "Oh! There they are!"

Sebastian and Ominis strolled into the Great Hall just as the owls fluttered through, delivering the day's mail. Cassia poured a cup of tea, biting her tongue out as she tried not to spill it. One scoop of sugar. A little cream. Then, it was ready.

"Happy birthday, Ominis!" She and Poppy said in unison as the boys sat across from them.

"Oh, thank you both," Ominis said. Cassia thought he did look more well-rested than normal.

"Here," she said, handing him the tea. "Made just the way you like it. I'll stay put so I don't spill it."

Ominis laughed. "Well, that's probably the most thoughtful gift you could have given me. Thanks, Cassia."

"You're welcome. Speaking of gifts... ." She held out the package as he sipped, nodding in approval.

"Ah, thanks a second time."

Sebastian smiled bitterly at her. He'd been rather grumpy since learning about her "date" with Leander, even though it had been days ago. Cassia sighed and shook her head, annoyed. As Ominis carefully slid his fingers through the package folds, Cassia scooped some scrambled eggs into her spoon. Then, she pulled the tip back and flicked them at Sebastian.

He scowled. "What was that for?"

"I felt like it." She said flatly.

He brushed them off, and Cassia grinned wryly, pleased that she'd irked him. Ominis pulled the wrapping from her gift, revealing the box beneath. He ran his fingers over the container until he found the lid, then pulled it off and nodded approvingly at the smell.

"Toffees! That's lovely, Cassia. Thank you."

"You bet. There's a variety in there—your standard cream, then also cinnamon, chocolate, orange, mint, and lemon."

"Oh, I do like lemon."

"Yes, I know."

Beneath the table, Sebastian kicked her. "Speaking of which, you still owe me a sugar quill."

"You'll get it. Calm down." She rolled her eyes and kicked back.

"When? We've been to Hogsmeade a dozen times since the start of term. Or maybe you're waiting to go with Leander."

"Shut up about it already, will you?"

Poppy jabbed Cassia with her elbow and cast a nasty glare at Sebastian. "Here, Ominis. This one's from me." Her voice was more pleasant than her expression as she frowned at them.

An owl screeched just overhead and dropped a third parcel onto Ominis' toast. It was wrapped in red paper with a shiny bow and a tag inscribed with Braille. Sebastian seemed to forget his quarrel with Cassia as he promptly snatched it off Ominis' plate and shoved it eagerly into his hands.

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