Chapter 23 - A Potion and a Map

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"Are you certain you looked absolutely everywhere?" Ominis asked Cassia as they crossed through Central Hall.

One of the school cats perched on the fountain's edge, staring at the water while a Slytherin girl stroked its back. Cassia frowned, wishing she could be the one carelessly petting a cat between classes.

"My bag fell over in her office, and we left in such a hurry I didn't have a chance to ensure I'd picked everything up. It's the only place it could be."

Ominis scowled in thought. "Alright. Well, think for a moment, what's the worst that could happen if Herbert gets a hold of the letter? You've already finished the task."

"If she finds out I've been developing my Ancient Magic more than she knows, she'll want to take advantage of it. She's willing to put me in danger at the best of times. What'll happen if she loses her marbles?"

They pushed through the door and into the Viaduct Entrance. A dusting of fresh snow swished beneath their robes as they walked, and a sleepy owl blinked from the shadowed corners.

"Perhaps it's best to tell someone. Hecat or Weasley," Ominis said. "I could even talk to Sharp if you'd like. But, Cassia, remember: she can't make you do anything you don't want to."


Cassia shook off the cold as they stepped into the castle once more. Even the short journey through the Viaduct Entrance was enough for the chill of early winter to leave a little bite. She and Ominis descended the stairs, the voices of their classmates carrying from the dungeons.

"And," Ominis added, "if she really gives you trouble, you could give her a first-hand experience of your Ancient Magic. Turn her into a slug and find her a new home by the lake."

Cassia laughed as they approached the Potions classroom. "Wow, Ominis, you're usually not one for such violence."

"Is it violence, or is it presenting a pesky professor the precise penance she's procured?"

"You're such a poet."

Cassia slouched against the wall as they joined their classmates in waiting for Professor Sharp. Ominis settled onto the floor, stretching and yawning. He muttered something Cassia didn't catch, then rested his head on the stone and closed his eyes.

"Not a good time for a nap, is it?" Cassia said, nudging him with her foot.

"It's always a good time for a nap."

A moment later, he snored softly.

"Stop it. I know you're faking," Cassia said. "Besides, Sharp's here."

The classroom door swung open, and Professor Sharp, looking tired and surly, flicked his head for the students to enter. Sighing, Ominis got up, and Cassia put her arm through his as they made their way to their shared potions station. Saccharissa Tugwood squeaked excitedly, and a murmur went around the room as Professor Sharp hobbled to the front. A peculiar mingling of smells hung in the air, and spiral steam rose from a cauldron at his desk.

"It seems Garreth was right," Cassia said. "We are going to be working with Amortentia."

Professor Sharp waved away the steam as he growled, "Quiet now. This isn't a subject to be taken lightly, so you'd all do well to pay attention. However, given the whispers, I assume some of you have already deduced today's subject."

Saccharissa's hand shot into the air, but Professor Sharp ignored her and continued.

"Amortentia is among the most dangerous substances known to Wizardkind, being the most powerful love potion in existence. Only the most skillful potioneers will be able to brew it. Therefore, I have no worries about any of you."

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