Chapter 38 - A Hidden Place

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Laughter and spirited chants ran through the Great Hall, and excited energy filled the air with static. Students made wagers and argued over flying techniques. A wave of blue and green had overtaken the usual black, and Cassia, in her azure robes, felt out of place among the emerald-clad Slytherins.

She drummed her fingers impatiently, forgetting her half-eaten bread. "Come on, can't we sit at the Ravenclaw table today—just this once?"

"Absolutely not!" Sebastian insisted, sporting his house blazer and scarf. "Not today of all days! That would be like asking me to disown my family."

"Oh no, this would be much more savage," Ominis said. "Take it from me: I'll never speak to my family again, but I'm not betraying my housemates on game day."

Cassia scoffed. "What about you, Poppy?"

Poppy wore a Slytherin sweater that was much too big—one that obviously belonged to Ominis. She shrugged. "Sorry, Cass."

Imelda Reyes strutted past with her head held high. She gave Cassia a once-over and tsked. "Bold of you to wear those colors at our table, Brightberry. I'll score one on Ravenclaw for that."

"See what I mean?" Cassia hissed as the Slytherin Quidditch captain left.

"So go change," Ominis suggested.

Cassia stuck her tongue at him.

Sebastian squeezed her hand and winked. "We'll all wear blue when Ravenclaw plays Gryffindor."

"Speaking of Gryffindors," Poppy said. "Leander does not look happy."

Cassia didn't dare turn around. She'd glimpsed his dagger expression once that morning and had felt it on her back ever since. Spending time again with her friends—with Sebastian—was like breathing sweet air after being held underwater for far too long, but it didn't change the immense guilt she felt every time she passed Leander in the halls. Meanwhile, the gossip mill had run rampant, and there was hardly a Sixth-Year who didn't know what had happened, earning her a load of disdain.

"I deserve it," Cassia sighed. "Last night, Constance lectured me for so long that even Samantha told her to shut up."

"They'll move onto something else soon enough," Poppy assured her.

"From what I hear," Ominis added, "things between Constance and her beau aren't as peachy as they seem."

"You need to stop eavesdropping," Poppy reprimanded him with a playful voice.

"I can't help it. No secrets escape these ears."

"Then, you should be a journalist and put that talent to good use."

"You're right. I should get a column in the school periodical: Gossip Gaunt."

Poppy laughed. "That's not what I mean."

"Oh no? Then, I'll reserve a page for you, too: Poppy's Creature Corner. Put your talents to good use, too."

Cassia buttered some fresh bread as she watched them nudge each other. Sebastian chuckled, poking her ribs so she wouldn't miss him rolling his eyes. She laughed and shook her head. Since their talk on the balcony, it was like nothing had changed at all—and yet, it had, even if she wasn't sure how, exactly. She saw it in his eyes when he teased her for spilling her ink, felt it when she sat beside him, helping with his Potions homework.

"I've worked on a special spell to use when Ravenclaw wins," Cassia said. "A grand light show in the shape of an eagle."

Ominis scowled. "An optimistic gesture, but there's no way Ravenclaw will win."

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