Ch 1: S.C. Convoy & North Vacuo

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We see a convoy of military vehicles consisting of Shadow Company cargo trucks and pickup trucks drives down a snowy road at night in Northern Solitas. The convoy continues driving down the road.

Inside one of the pickups, three members of Shadow Company follow closely behind one of the cargo trucks. Their names are Shadow 3-1, Shadow 3-2, and Shadow 3-3.

Shadow 3-3 - SHADOW CO.

North Solitas

12 SEP 2038, 0300

Shadow 3-1: What are we carrying this time, sir?

Falcon:*over radio* If I told ya, I'd have to kill ya...

Shadow 3-2: I bet he'd do it, too.

Falcon:*over radio* This's nothing but a milk run, boys. Guns for the good guys-- You'll be back at HQ for breakfast. Don't wet the bed and there'll be bonuses all around. Find me when you're back...

Shadow 3-1, Shadow 3-2, and Shadow 3-3: Yes, sir.

Falcon: Jet's waiting' for a sitrep, don't leave him hangin'. Out.

Shadow 3-2: Three containers...

Shadow 3-3: Must be tank parts.

Shadow 3-1: Probably... Shadow 3-1 to White Eagle Actual.

Jet:*over radio* Send traffic, 3-1.

Shadow 3-1: Three Shadow victors exiting highway 7-Zulu, no issues, Actual.

Jet:*over radio* Copy. Get that cargo delivered on not fail... Eagle out.

Shadow 3-2: Do not fail...? Told you this was important.

The convoy comes to a stop.

Shadow 3-3: What's this?

Shadow 3-1: 2, this is Shadow 3-1, what's going on?

Shadow 2-1: Got a vehicle in the road.

Shadow 3-1: Stand by, coming to you.

Shadow 3-1 drives the pickup around the cargo truck and moves up through the convoy..

Shadow 3-2: Cmdr. Greene, Shadow 3-2- Be advised- we're held up, sorting it out now.

Falcon:*over the radio* Handle it-- Keep the line movin'.

Shadow 3-2: Roger that.

The pickup reaches the front of the convoy where Shadow 2-1 tries to move a suspicious vehicle out of the way by reasoning with its driver.

Shadow 2-1: You gotta move... sir, you need to move...

Shadow 3-1: I don't like this.

Shadow 3-2: He should just shoot the guy.

Shadow 2-1: Move, your vehicle...

Shadow 3-1: Shadow 3-3- lean out and cover him.

Shadow 3-3: On it.

Shadow 3-3's leans out of the pickup's passenger side window and deploys his carbine to cover his teammates.

Shadow 2-1: We need a negotiator out here, what's the call, sir...?

Shadow 3-1: 3-2, 3-3, go help him out.

Suddenly, a gunman erupts from the truck's hatch and opens fire on Shadow Company. The truck driver shoots and kills Shadow 2-1. Several more gunmen emerge from hiding and attack the convoy.

The gunmen appear to wearing gray uniforms with Eagles and Iron crosses

Shadow 3-2: WHAT THE FUCK?!

Shadow 3-1: CONTACT!!

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