Ch 9: Sparring match

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A week later we open up to the Mistral Base to see many of the marines.

Mostly the USMC.

Celebrating the birthday of the United States Marine Corps.

And due to the base's location being in a climate similar to Vietnam, warm climate of the region allowed for a more relaxed dress code, with many Marines opting for just their shirts or going shirtless. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and relaxation.

Some Marines were dancing to music playing in the background, while others sat around, playing cards, and enjoying a few drinks. Laughter and cheers filled the air as they shared stories and memories.

Anthony, Chris, David, Yang, Nora, and their teams were in the midst of it all, enjoying the celebration and taking a moment to unwind after their recent adventures. The sight of Marines coming together to mark this special occasion was a reminder of the strong brotherhood and sisterhood that defined their service.

Flags and banners adorned the base, displaying the Marine Corps emblem with pride.

We see Miho and Tomoe walking together and watching the US Marines celebrating.

Tomoe: Ara~Ara~ 海兵隊は間違いなく楽しんでいます。 {The Marines are surely having a blast.}

Miho:*nodded* アメリカ海兵隊がこのように祝うのをここ何年も見たことがありません。 高橋さんはどう思いますか? {I haven't seen the US Marines celebrate like this in years. Takahashi-san, what do you think?}

Tomoe: 確かに、それは素晴らしいことです。 アメリカ海兵隊の誕生日は、彼らにとって非常に特別な日です。 私たちも楽しむことができることを嬉しく思います。 {Indeed, it's wonderful. The birthday of the United States Marine Corps is a very special day for them. I'm glad we can enjoy it too.}

Miho: はい、私もそう思います。 彼らの勇気と奉仕に感謝しています。 {Yes, I feel the same. I'm grateful for their courage and service.}

As they watched the festivities, Miho and Tomoe couldn't help but appreciate the spirit of unity and camaraderie that the Marines displayed on this occasion. It was a testament to the bonds that military service forged among individuals, regardless of their backgrounds.

As they continued walking, Miho spotted Dustin chatting with his son and daughter Pavel and Bula.

Miho has been keeping a watchful eye on the USMC General and USAF since the Gulag Mission. She's paranoid as hell, and she suspect of everything when something isn't right for her.

She cannot be exactly blamed, her paranoia saved her life more than once, and she learned to trust her 6° sense and intuition.

She took not he's in his Woodland MARPAT uniform instead of his Service Uniform.

Dustin saw her looking at her and approach her while drinking a cup of coffee.

Dustin:*stoic* Feldmarschall Nishizumi.

Miho:*stoic* Генерал Уокер.

Dustin raised an impressed eyebrow as she spoke fluent Russian to him. Miho slightly did the same when he spoke fluent German.

Their exchange showcased their language skills and mutual respect for each other's abilities. Miho and Dustin had developed a unique relationship over the course of their missions and had come to understand and appreciate each other's strengths and quirks.

Dustin: Your Russian is impeccable, Feldmarschall.

Miho: As is your German, General. It's essential to be adaptable in our line of work.

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