Ch: 25 Kill them all

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Vincent's dog tags are the hands of Blake with his knife along with his patches and photos as the four walk in Mt. Glenn Base to report what happened.

Anthony:*quietly to Blake* There's a wall in the borders of DC and Maryland where the names of the dead are inscribed. We try to honor their deeds even as their faces fade from our memory. Those memories are all that's left, when the enemies have taken everything else.

In the face of adversity and the encroaching shadow of loss, Anthony's reflection embodies a profound sense of duty and reverence for those who've given everything for their cause. As they tread through the corridors of Mt. Glenn Base, the weight of their grief becomes a silent yet potent presence, a testament to the bond forged through shared experiences and the solemn commitment to honor those who've fallen.

Blake, holding Vincent's mementos close, gazes at Anthony with a mix of sorrow and determination, her eyes reflecting the somber reality of their world.

Blake: It's hard to imagine that wall ever expanding with more names... more faces fading away into history. Yet, it's what keeps us going, doesn't it?

Anthony nods in agreement, his gaze distant as memories of fallen comrades flood his mind.

Anthony: It's the debt we owe them. We carry on, fight on, not just for ourselves, but for every one of them. Their sacrifices, their stories, they're all woven into the fabric of who we are.

The weight of their duty and the scars of loss cast a shadow over their conversation, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The unspoken understanding of the price paid for their cause lingers heavily in the air.

Blake's fingers trace the engraved details on Vincent's dog tags, a small but profound gesture of remembrance.

Blake: He was so young... too young.

Anthony's jaw tightens, a fleeting moment of anger and grief flashing across his face.

Anthony: They all are. War doesn't discriminate... it just takes.

Their footsteps echo in the corridor as they continue their march through the base, the silence punctuated only by the solemn tapping of their boots against the floor. The weight of Vincent's absence palpable, a silent tribute to the life cut short and the void left behind.

Anthony, his voice steady but filled with emotion, breaks the silence once more.

Anthony: We'll report what happened. We owe it to him, to make sure his sacrifice is honored. His story deserves to be told, Blake.

Blake nods, her grip tightening on the items held in her hands as they navigate the halls, each step a testament to the resilience and strength born from loss and unwavering camaraderie. The journey ahead seems daunting, but their resolve remains unwavering, fueled by the memory of a fallen comrade.

As the four entered the room with generals Carolina Inspir, Dustin, Sienna, Miho, Jonathan Grant and Mihaly Macnamara, fleet admiral Artyom Eksinud like and some of members MAC-SOG there like David, RWBY, Winter, Frank, Glynda, Chris, Kevin, STRQ, Tom, William, and Ozpin.

Winter noticed that Ironwood was missing. Including Miho and Inspir.

Miho: Where's James?

Adam was the first to break the news.

Adam: No-Pats General/Leader James Ironwood was KIA'd by bombs Falcon Greene lad on him.

Almost everyone gasps at the news. For the rest of the world, Ironwood has been a patriot who fought to the last breath for what he believed for.

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