Ch 6: 627

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Four V-22 Osprey modified with a XM21/M21 Armament Subsystems, five CH-47 Chinooks, three Brazilian Eurocopter EC725 Caracals, and two AH-6 & MH-6 Little Birds fly Miho's Battalion, Baker Company, and Ghosts towards the gulag.

Frank:*via radio* Thirty seconds.

Two Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornets. And Lt. Jonah Cross' F-15 Strike Eagle flew in.

One of the F/A-18Es:*via radio* Hornet Two-One, this is Joker One-One, flight of two F/A-18Es and one F-15, six HARMs for the section. Standby for SEAD, over.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Solid copy, Jester. Go get 'em.

Joker One-One:*via radio* Good tone. Good tone. Fox-Three. Fox-Three.

The F/A-18Es and Jonah fire and destroy a radio station and SAM site and fly off.

Jonah:*via radio* Good kill. Good kill. Hornet Two-One, you're clear all the way. Good luck. Out.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Hornet Two-One copies.

Hornet Two-Two:*via radio* Two-Two copies all.

Hornet Two-Three:*via radio* Two-Three, solid copy.

They approach the gulag.

["Operation: Prison Break"]


Hornet Two-Two:*via radio* Two going in hot.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Roger.

Hornet Two-Two:*via radio* Guns guns guns.

Hornet Two-Two fires its guns and takes out a watch tower. The entire gulag is alerted of their presence as SC troops are seen moving all around the gulag.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Two-Two, Two-One. Good effect on target.

Frank:*via radio* All snipers & sharpshooters, this is Riverton, standby to engage. Stabilize.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Roger.

Frank:*via radio* All snipers & sharpshooters - clear to engage.

Hornet Two-One hovers across the first guard tower. Tom takes out his M14 EBR and eliminates foot-mobiles on the first tower.

Gulag PA: All forces! We are under attack! Get to your combat stations and watch Prisoner #627!

Tom:*via radio* Shift right.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Shifting.

Hornet Two-One hovers to the right of the next tower.

Ruby:*via radio* Stabilize.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Ready.

They take out more hostiles on the second tower.

Hana:*via radio* On target.

Tom:*via radio* Shift right.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Shifting.

Frank:*via radio* I see four hostiles on the next tower!

Hornet Two-One hovers to the right to the next tower. Before they can engage, an F-22 Raptor fires on the tower and quickly flies past Hornet Two-One. The resulting air draft causes Two-One to wobble.

Hornet Two-One:*via radio* Hang on!

Frank:*via radio* Walker! Get those fighters to cease fire immediately! That was too damn close!

Dustin:*via radio* I'll try to buy you some time. One man in a gulag doesn't mean much to the USAF at this point.

Boyko:*via radio* Damn Chair force!

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