Ch: 21 Hello there!

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Author's Note: Like to thank USS-Texas, KnyJimmy, and LarryTheUkrainian for the ideas for this chapter.

We open up to about about a month later at the Towson household in Virginia. As we see Anthony playing Midnight Club 3 Dub edition Remix on his PS2 with Sora, Junko, Tsuki, and Tony sitting between him watching him play.

Anthony seemed engrossed in the game, his nimble fingers maneuvering the controls while Sora, Junko, Tsuki, and Tony sat around, eyes glued to the screen. The atmosphere was cozy, the sound of the console mixing with their laughter and occasional excitement. The playful banter and occasional tips from Anthony made the gaming session even more enjoyable.

As the game progressed, Anthony showcased his skills, navigating the virtual streets with finesse. The kids, fascinated by the vibrant graphics and fast-paced action, cheered him on, their faces reflecting pure joy and amazement at the gameplay.

Sora, Junko, Tsuki, and Tony were thrilled by the game unfolding before them. Their curiosity sparked a series of questions directed at Anthony, their eager faces lighting up with each query.

Sora: Why cars go fast?

Anthony: Well, because they have special engines that make them zoom! It's like when you run really, really fast, but cars have special powers to go even faster!

Junko: What's that on the screen?

Anthony: That's a map! It shows us where we are in the city. It helps us not get lost while driving around.

Tsuki: Can I drive like you?

Anthony: When you're bigger, you can! You'll need to learn first, just like when you learn to ride a bike.

Tony: Why we play this?

Anthony: Because it's fun! We get to race cars and do cool tricks. It's like having an adventure in a make-believe city!

Their innocent and curious minds absorbed Anthony's explanations, their excitement evident as they soaked in the thrill of the gameplay, enchanted by the colorful and dynamic world of the game.

Now, you may be wondering. Why is Anthony not on some action pact mission or deployed to the front?

Is because he and 90% of the Marine Corps branches of NATO, SATO and the African Continent are not needed for the moment. So many of them are either training or relaxing with their families and friends. While the Army and Navy are being deployed.

The Air Force is also on standby building a lot more cargo planes like the C-5 Galaxy, C-17 Globemaster III and the C-130.

However, more news came. Europe was found out. By everyone. Yes, even Atlas and Shadow Company found out and Europe has been at war with Atlas ever since they were discovered by them.

EUTO(European Union Treaty Organization) military command, along with the Spanish & French empires, has sent out a distress call to anyone who can help. And it did, as the message was intercepted by one of the radio operators of the Montana Class battleship the USS Anthony R. Towson.

But they weren't the only one. Miho also saw and intercepted the message too and had what's remaining in her battalion including the sailors of the copy of the Bismarck head to Europe immediately, but mostly to Germany.

They weren't alone as the USS-Texas, the USS-Anthony R. Towson, and the USS-Iwo Jima followed but they were redirected to land in the U.K as it's historically always been a staging ground for the U.S. with European affairs.

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