Ch 16: Pissed off Americans

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We open up to the next day in LA Port to see the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier entering the port with American marines, soldiers, airmen, and sailors from the Mistral Base.

Most of the SATO, African troops, ROM, Great White Fang, Vale Huntsmen, Vacuo Huntsmen,  Mistral Huntsmen, and No-Pats went to other places or their respected countries/kingdoms. The No-Pats stayed with either Vale or the island of Patch.

As the troops walked out of the ship, many of their families and loved ones approached them with open arms and worried looks.

In one of the reunions, we see Kevin and Vincent hugging Anthony and Chris.

Kevin: We're so glad you two are alright.

The emotional reunion between Kevin and Vincent with their brothers Anthony and Chris at the LA Port showcases a moment of relief and joy amidst the tension and turmoil.

Anthony: Thanks, guys. It was a close call, but we made it out okay.

Chris: Yeah, we're just glad to see you both in one piece too.

Vincent and Kevin exchanged relieved smiles, grateful to have their brothers back safe and sound.

Vincent: The situation at Mistral was intense. What happened there?

Anthony's expression turned solemn as he recounted the events.

Anthony: It was a sudden and coordinated attack. We managed to hold our ground, but there were heavy casualties. Our communications were jammed, and it was chaos for a while.

Chris nodded in agreement, adding to Anthony's explanation.

Chris: The backup from the USS Abraham Lincoln arrived just in time. They helped us push back the assailants, and we evacuated as many as we could.

The gravity of the situation was evident in their voices, but the sense of relief at being reunited overshadowed the difficult memories of the recent attack.

Kevin: Thank goodness the reinforcements arrived in time. We were worried sick.

Vincent: We'll make sure to stick together from now on. No more close calls like this.

The brothers shared a moment of mutual understanding and commitment to looking out for each other, cherishing the precious reunion after the harrowing events at Mistral Base.

It was then Anthony's wives Glynda, Coco, Harriet, and his children Lola, Sara, Luna, Ana, Mason Towson, Noah Towson, Caleb Towson, Lily Towson, Emma Towson, Olivia Towson, Ava Towson, Sophia Towson, and Harper Towson arrived to see him too. Glynda is holding his twin baby boy & girl in her arms Glee and Anthony III.

Mina came up next to him as Tomoe arrived with his daughters Teka, Taka, Moche, Ino, Tenko, Saya, Mary, and Korea.

Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana:*running to hug him* ¡Papá! {Dad!}

Mason Towson, Noah Towson, Caleb Towson, Lily Towson, Emma Towson, Olivia Towson, Ava Towson, Sophia Towson, and Harper Towson:*running to hug him* Daddy!!

Teka, Taka, Moche, Ino, Tenko, Saya, Mary, and Korea:*running to hug him and Mina* ママ! お父ちゃん!!{Mommy! Daddy!!}

He and Mina hugged the four teens and children.

Glynda:*worried for the both* Heard the news about everything yesterday.

Coco: I heard about it yesterday too. But Harriet and I were stationed at Mt. Glenn Base.

Harriet: Yeah... they said that a mech from Atlas and Shadow Company attacked and after that... a genetically-engineered Ursa Major augmented with mechanical enhancements attacked both you guys but also the patrols around the base?

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