Ch: 31 Down with Atlas! Up with the stars!! 3

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Back on the CH-47 Chinook carrying Sienna, David, Blake, Kali, Mina, Iyawa, Mako, Damian, Chris, Ghira, and Zure. The ride was still quiet with only the sounds of the war going down below them as they flew.

Mina broke the silence with a reflective sigh.

Mina: Man... this sucks.

The sentiment was shared by everyone on board, their nods signaling a collective understanding of the challenges they faced. The war raging below was taking its toll, not just on the battlefield but on the hearts and minds of those who fought for a better future.

Sienna, sitting quietly, looked out of the helicopter, her eyes focused on the changing landscape below. Damian, still processing the events that unfolded, clenched his fists, a mix of frustration and determination evident on his face.

Ghira, seated beside Kali, put a comforting hand on her shoulder, silently acknowledging the weight of the moment. Blake, deep in thought, stared out into the distance, her cat ears twitching occasionally.

Chris, a sense of responsibility in his eyes, checked his equipment, preparing for whatever awaited them. Iyawa and Mako exchanged a brief glance, their expressions reflecting a shared understanding of the challenges ahead.

The helicopter's interior was filled with a heavy silence, interrupted only by the rhythmic thumping of the rotors. Each member of the group grappled with their thoughts, emotions running deep as they headed toward the heart of the conflict.

In the midst of the quiet journey, the unspoken camaraderie among them was palpable—a bond forged in the crucible of war, uniting them in a common cause. As the landscape below continued to unfold, the fate of nations hanging in the balance, the group remained steadfast, prepared for the challenges that awaited them.

It was then that Sienna and Ghira looked out the one of the windows and widen their eyes.

On the street below heading to the Atlas Military Headquarters is thousands of GWF, SDF, and POW White Fang.

The rest also saw this. Including the pilots.

Hammer 1-6:*via the radio* Want me to land close to that crowd? They need a leader. Or leaders.

David, Sienna, and Ghira exchanged thoughtful glances, recognizing the potential impact of their presence among the White Fang members. The decision weighed heavily on their minds, as the responsibility to guide and lead this gathering of Faunus became apparent.

Sienna, after a moment of contemplation, nodded determinedly.

Sienna: Land us close. We'll address the crowd.

Ghira, echoing the sentiment, spoke with conviction.

Ghira: We can't let them march blindly. It's time for us to lead.

David, understanding the gravity of the situation, added his agreement.

David: Hammer 1-6, bring us down. We need to rally them and ensure they understand the stakes.

As the decision was made, the helicopter descended towards the gathering of Faunus below. The atmosphere inside the CH-47 Chinook became charged with a mix of anticipation and resolve, knowing that the choices made in the next moments could shape the course of the conflict.

The CH-47 Chinook descended towards the back of the massive crowd of GWF, SDF, and POW White Fang members. The noise of the rotors gradually drowned out the distant sounds of the ongoing battle, drawing the attention of the Faunus below. The atmosphere inside the helicopter was tense as it touched down, and the engines began to wind down.

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