Ch 12: Babysitting and Flashbacks

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Two days later, we see Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana are babysitting their younger half-siblings Teka, Taka, Moche, Ino, Tenko, Saya, Mary, Korea, Mason Towson, Noah Towson, Caleb Towson, Lily Towson, Emma Towson, Olivia Towson, Ava Towson, Sophia Towson, and Harper Towson at the Towson household.

And how are the four fourteen years olds handling?

Lola: Olivia and Sophia!! Stop using your telekinesis semblance and put the couch down!

Luna: Caleb!! Stop lighting yourself on fire with your semblance!!

Sara: Harper and Emma!! Running around using their speed semblances again!!!

Ana: Lily and Ava!! Stop juggling Mary, Korea, Ino, Tenko, and Saya!!

Mary, Korea, Ino, Tenko, and Saya: Wee!!

Lola:*holding Olivia and Sophia* Mason!! Please stop flying around, please!!

Noah is seen using both his lightning and electricity semblance messing with lights as Ana tries to stop him.

Let's just say Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana are having a hard time as they didn't know about Mason, Noah, Caleb, Lily, Emma, Olivia, Ava, Sophia, and Harper's semblances.

While Teka, Taka, Moche, Ino, Tenko, Saya, Mary, and Korea are having fun witnessing the chaos their older half-siblings are facing.

As the older half-siblings do their best to maintain some semblance of order and safety, there's an atmosphere of energy and excitement in the Towson household. It's a lively and vibrant environment, filled with the laughter and playfulness of the young ones.

While it's undoubtedly a handful, Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana are doing their best to ensure that everyone stays safe and has a good time. It's a wonderful display of family dynamics, with a mixture of chaos, fun, and the bonds that unite them all.

Lola: Olivia, Sophia, please, just put the couch down gently. We don't want to have another hole in the ceiling.

Sara: Caleb, you're going to set off the smoke detectors with all that fire. Keep it in check.

Luna: Emma, Harper, seriously, you need to slow down. Someone's going to trip and get hurt.

Ana: Lily and Ava, I don't know how you're juggling them without them getting dizzy, but let's not test it too much.

Mason: But it's so much fun!*flies around the room with a big grin*

Noah: Look, I can make the lights dance!*surrounds himself with electrical arcs*

Caleb: I'm Fireboy!*creates small flames around his hands*

Olivia and Sophia: Telekinesis tag!*gently lift and move objects around the room*

Emma and Harper: Catch us if you can!*they zip around the room in a blur*

Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana exchange glances, sharing a mix of amusement and exasperation. It's clear that managing a house filled with children with such unique abilities is a never-ending adventure.

Lola: Alright, alright, just keep it safe, okay? We don't need any accidents.

Sara: We love that you guys are embracing your powers, but we have to set some ground rules.

Luna: Let's try to have a little less chaos and a bit more control, alright?

Ana: And Mason, Noah, remember, save some energy for dinner. You'll need it.

The younger siblings nod in agreement, and the house settles into a slightly more organized chaos, with Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana keeping a watchful eye on the kids. It's a lively and loving household, where the extraordinary is just part of their everyday life.

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