Ch 14: Revelations & Attack

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A few weeks later, it was now December 10, 2038.

The Mistral Base is looking a bit lively with activity. No, I don't mean Christmas decorations and all that jazz. I mean many of the troops both soldiers and Ooarai Battalion soldiers are doing patrols around the base.

Reason why is because due to the holiday season(Which most of Remnant is still unfamiliar), both Canadians and Americans will be on high alert until after January 6th.

In other words, the last time they weren't they lost Hawaii. So they're not taking second chances.

In the Command Center we see Dustin, Mihaly, Miho, and Artyom drinking a cup of tea. Someone took the coffee machine.

Mihaly and Artyom still do not trust Miho, and likely never will.

Dustin:*taking a sip* Reminds me of time in Estonia.

This caught Artyom's attention as he didn't know that.

Artyom: You were in Estonia?

Dustin: Yes, before it fell to the nukes. I was one of few American officers that helped evac both troops and civvies to naval ships and cruise liners. One of the few Marines that survived like myself and a few others stayed behind to look for anyone that was left behind or fight off the enemy.

Artyom:.......Was the Marine's name Yuri Blacker?

Dustin looks at Artyom and remembers he's one of the few thousand of Estonians that traveled to North America during WW3.

Dustin: Yes. Lance-Corporal Yuri Blacker. How do you know him?

Artyom:*sighs* You know how I met Ragnar? He was only 8 when the Russians invaded and he was left as an Orphan from their subsequent culling of civilians. He barely survived the war and was adopted by me along with 6 other children. Blacker was the first to find them and brought them to me as he ran off saying, "Get those kids to safety! Or adopt them! Just get them out of here!" That was the last I heard and saw of the Estonian-American Marine as he ran off.

Dustin listened to Artyom's story and took a moment to process the connection between Yuri Blacker and Ragnar. It was a testament to the chaos of war and the unlikely bonds that could form in such dire circumstances.

Dustin: That's quite the coincidence. Yuri was a brave man, and he did everything he could to save people during that difficult time.

Miho chimed in, showing some empathy in her expression.

Miho: War often brings out the best and worst in people. It's heartening to hear stories of those who tried to make a difference, like Yuri.

Artyom nodded in agreement, his expression revealing a mixture of emotions.

Artyom: Yes, it's true. And we can't forget that war has a way of leaving its scars on all of us, no matter where we come from. Yuri made a choice, and it's a choice that shaped the lives of many, including my own. We must remember the sacrifices and challenges faced by all those who've been affected by war, even as we work towards a more peaceful future.

Mihaly, though still cautious around Miho, couldn't help but appreciate the shared experience and understanding of the consequences of war that had been revealed in this conversation.

Mihaly: We've all seen and experienced a lot throughout our lives. It's good to remember the human side of things, especially in times like these.

The four of them continued their tea break, contemplating the significance of their past experiences and the bonds forged during those tumultuous times. The festive season was a reminder of both the resilience and the scars of the human spirit.

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