Ch 2: Careful who you kill

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We open up to a prison in LA holding both Shadow Company, Atlas Soldiers and Bandits.

The prison also holds street gangs, Yakuza, Mafia and Cartel members as well.

In this unforgiving environment, alliances were forged and rivalries simmered, as prisoners navigated the complex social dynamics to survive. Each day was a battle for supremacy, and the correctional officers struggled to maintain order in the face of constant tension and the ever-present threat of violence.

Behind the prison's walls, a microcosm of criminal society thrived, where loyalties shifted as quickly as the winds of change, and where survival often meant aligning with the least worst option. It was a place where hardened individuals from various walks of life had to adapt, improvise, and overcome to make it through each day, all while the specter of their past actions and choices loomed over them like a shadow.

In one of the cell blocks, a group of Shadow Company members kept to themselves, maintaining a strict code of discipline even in captivity. They had a reputation for being organized and formidable, even behind bars. Nearby, a collection of Atlas Soldiers, once staunch enemies, had formed an uneasy truce to survive in this hostile environment.

The street gangs, Yakuza, Mafia, and Cartel members had their own territories within the prison, and rivalries frequently erupted into violence. The constant struggle for control and power created an unstable and dangerous atmosphere.

As inmates went about their daily routines, tension hung in the air, and the prison's cold, unforgiving walls seemed to reflect the chaos within. It was a place where survival meant adapting to the brutal realities of prison life, and where alliances could shift as quickly as a shank could be drawn.

It was then we see a Bloods Lieutenant in his prison orange jumpsuit reading a letter.

The letter was from Dustin Walker telling him that Anthony Towson was killed.

The Bloods Lieutenant looked around at the other prisoners, mainly the street gangs, Yakuza, Mafia, and Cartel members.

Each prison gang leader/Lieutenant had the same letter.

Including the correctional officers.

Anthony made good connections with many them. Even fought in combat.

But now they just found out he died by Shadow Company.

Now, with Anthony gone, the delicate balance of power within the prison began to shift. Some sought revenge against Shadow Company, vowing to avenge his death. Others felt a sense of vulnerability, realizing that the loss of such a valuable ally left them exposed in this dangerous environment.

As the news spread further, tensions rose within the prison, and the specter of conflict loomed large. Anthony Towson's death had sent shockwaves through this incarcerated community, and its repercussions would undoubtedly be felt in the days and weeks to come.

So much so, that one Atlas Soldier who was in the middle of a call was jumped by and shanked by Cartel prisoners.

The attack was swift and vicious, catching the Atlas Soldier off guard. The Cartel prisoners, driven by anger, vengeance, or a desire to assert dominance, had resorted to using improvised weapons, like shanks, to carry out their assault.

Correctional officers and prison staff rushed to the scene in an attempt to quell the violence, but the damage had already been done. The attack on the Atlas Soldier served as a grim reminder of the dangerous and unpredictable environment that had taken hold within the prison following the news of Anthony Towson's death.

The prison had descended into a state of chaos and lawlessness, with frequent shankings and acts of violence targeting both Shadow Company and Atlas Soldier inmates. The simmering tensions and deep-seated animosities among the inmate population had reached a breaking point, resulting in a series of brutal attacks.

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