Ch 11: Navel Combat

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This chapter was made by USS-Texas. Support the super dreadnought for I have zero knowledge on how to do Navel combat.

Somewhere between the island of Vytal, a relatively small battlegroup is conducting a simple naval patrol. In the Battlegroup are the ancient reactivated USS Texas of the New York class super dreadnoughts, The Powerful but untested USS Anthony R. Towson of the Montana-class battleships, The Veteran JS Myoko of the Kongo-Class destroyers, and the Unreliable USS Zumwalt of the Zumwalt class destroyers.

The Head of the Battlegroup is Colonel Pervak Victor "Vitya" Yemelyanovich, An original member of Ivan's Marines. Leading from the Battlegroup flagship, Anthony R. Towson, Ragnar is conducting a routine patrol of the area. He is a bit weary and anxious; this is his first time leading aboard the Towson. But with the other captains, Jack "Jackalope" Sumnter of the USS Zumwalt, Tokunga "Toku" Unojo of the JS Myoko, and the 24-year-old Ragnar K. Eksinud of the USS Texas, who is the Adopted son of Fleet Admiral Artyom Eksinud. He feels confident in his small Battlegroup's abilities.

Aboard the Towson's central Bridge

Pervak: It seems relatively quiet for this sector. Any word from the Admiralty?

Comms officer: No, sir

Pervak: Contact the other captains and make it a video call in my office.

Comms officer: Yes, sir

Pervak walks towards his office and shuts the door behind him. Sitting at his desk in front of his computer, the other captains of the Battlegroup soon appear on the Screen.

Pervak: Have any of you detected anything?

Jack: Nadda

Tokunga: No, sir

Ragnar: Nothing; you think something is going to happen?

Pervak: I'm not sure, but it's been strangely quiet.

Tokunga: Hai, This is supposed to be the supply highway for the Atlas invasion force. Yet, we have seen nothing.

Jack: Maybe they finally grew a damn brain?

Pervak:*scoffs* Doubtful, But we must keep an eye out. On other business, What do we think of these new "allies" from the Krauts?

Tokunga: We should trust them wholly. They have shown to be a great ally so far.

Jack: I don't trust them one bit.

Ragnar: Neither do I, or my Father for that matter. They shouldn't be here.

Pervak: I...I would have to agree. They shouldn't be here.

Jack: Exactly! They are a bunch of Nazis! I'm telling Ya!

Tokunga: Jack! Please! They are not Nazis!

Ragnar: Tokunga is right, I don't think we could call them Nazis, but they are still WW2-era Germans. They, No doubt, have some superiority complex.

Pervak: Maybe we are being too harsh; they haven't shown any malice towards any of us

Jack: Yet.

Tokunga: Jack, please.

Ragnar:*sigh* There are talks of placing them under heavy CIA watch. My Papa has been talking with Major General Mihaly, and he doesn't trust them either.

Pervak: General Mihaly doesn't Trust them either?

Ragnar: Yeah, it seems most of the army also agrees with him. They aren't exactly happy fighting with Nazi-era Krauts.

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