Ch: 23 Brace for impact!

72 4 11

"They say truth is the first casualty of war." Miho began, "But who defines what's true?"

Lisa Lavender: ...aboard the plane are Ghira and his wife, Kali Belladonna. The Prime Minister is flying to Mantle to negotiate a peace treaty with the local delegates.

A TV screen shows the news report: "PEACE CONFERENCE IN MANTLE. Canadian Governor General Justin Trudeau will also attending the conference." Images of the Ilyushin Il-96-300PU Menagerian Aircraft, Command point, the City Hall where the conference is going to take place, and the Canadian Governor General Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister Ghira Belladonna are shown.

"Truth is just a matter of perspective." Miho continued.

Pinned to a wall are photos of Falcon, Jet, and Jacques linked to the massacre at the Mistral Base, Vacuo, and LA.

Lisa Lavender: However, many still blame mostly Atlas for the massacres at the Mistral Base, Vacuo, and Los Angeles.

TV: (Security feeds of the Mistral Base massacre are shown) The Prime Minister's own cabinet may not sign a treaty. (below in yellow) Prime Minister plane ready to take off within minutes at Vale Airport. Menagerians and NATO still blame Atlas for massacre.


The wall is covered with maps, pictures, and questions regarding Falcon's plans, motives, and possible associates.

"The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil – that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale.' Miho said.

Lisa Lavender: But for now, it looks like the world may finally know peace.

The details of the Ilyushin Il-96-300PU Menagerian Aircraft, Command Point, are shown as it flies over Vale to Mantle.

"The only truth I've found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes is someone to light the match." Miho finished her speech.

Pilot: Kuo Kuana, this is Command Point en route to Mantle. Skies are clear.

Corsac Albain: All teams, report in.

Gundy Vice: Team 1, the Prime Minister's office is secure.

[March 3rd – 18:30:27]

[Fennec Albain]

[New Menagerie Menagerie Guard]

[Il-96-300PU - "Command Point"]

Guard Team 2:*via headset* Team 2, lower deck is clear.

Guard Team 3:*via headset* Team 3, forward cabin is secure.

Corsac: We land in Mantle in two hours. Team 1, remain with the PM until touchdown.

Fennec is with Sergeant First Class Gundy Vice and Team 1 guarding Ghira at his office on board the Ilyushin Il-96-300PU Aircraft, Command Point. Fennec can see a flight of F-15 and F-14s outside escorting the plane. Ghira's wife, Kali, enters the room.

Kali: Amranth's waiting for you, dear.

Ghira: He's expecting an answer from me.

He and his wife begin to walk to the Conference room with Team 1 following.

Fennec: Team 1, moving.

Kali: I don't like him.

Ghira: No one does, Kali. That's why he's good at his job.

Kali: What will you tell him?

Ghira: The truth.

Kali shook her head.

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