Ch 13: The Meeting of the Generals

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The next day, we see Miho walking in the Officers office in the Mistral Base.

Apparently, Dustin told her that it was a meeting he made with her, Fleet Admiral Artyom Eksinud, and Major General Mihaly Macnamara. Who just got promoted to Lieutenant General.

The room entered a room within the office where they can have their meeting in private. Outside of the room we see Anthony and Yukari at a desk napping.

Dustin closes the door and brews himself and the three a cup of coffee. They denied the offer as they got down to business.

Miho:*to Mihaly* General.*to Artyom* Admiral.

Both men nodded at her.

It became quiet in the room after that as the only sounds was the coffee machine and Dustin taking sips of his drink.

It was Mihaly who broke the silence.

Mihaly: You know I don't trust you one bit, Nishizumi. And it's not just me, but most of the army also agrees with me. They aren't exactly happy fighting with WW2-era Krauts.

Miho raises an eyebrow at this.

Miho: Even when I'm your own wife's aunt?

Mihaly: You don't always have to like your family. Especially In-laws.

Miho: True.

Mihaly: Plus I'm really not a fan of Nazi-era Germans as I already mentioned. And I ain't gonna take that shit. I will beat your ass. And if you kill me or harm me in any way you will have the entire NATO army, the NATO entire navy, most of the NATO Marines, Tom and the Scarlatina family, and the Schnee family against you. I'm genuinely well-liked by most people. I'm a chill guy, but I don't take shit from anyone.

Miho didn't like the Nazi comment but breathes in to calm herself down.

Miho: I would never kill someone without a reason. I would accept your face to face honesty as a fact. We would fight a bit and look at each other strange sometimes, but nothing more than normal family internal tensions. If I discovered it from others that the problems begins, because I would feel betrayed, and that's not good for everyone. Furthermore, the Schnee family is MY family by blood, and they love me.

Mihaly: I won't say anything unless I'm forced to, or trusts who I'm telling. I don't basically insult people in their face. I don't think it's right. But I'm not afraid to do it if I must. I'm more than ready to smite your battalion if I need to. Plus, if something does go down. The Schnee family is more likely to go with ME. Especially Willow and Whitley. Because despite you being family, I has spent far more time with them.

Miho then grabs the cup of coffee Dustin offered and drinks it as she listens to Mihaly.

Mihaly: I was also there for them when they needed me the most, you wasn't. I was the one who saved them from Jacques with a SF team, vouched for the No-pats to be supplied, gave them a proper father figure, and helped Willow overcome her alcoholism. I have done more for them then you have.

Miho was silent as what he said was true. But spoke up.

Miho: If someone has a problem with me, come and tell me to my face there won't be problems. I don't appreciate people insulting me on my back. If someone has something to say, he should have the courage to face it and tell it openly. I'm here to listen. And I won't judge.

She said with closed eye and she opened it.

Miho: I know could not like it, but, in my opinion, it's your best option to solve this problem. I won't judge you for not trusting me, and your at least honest with this.

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