Ch: 19 🎄🎁This Christmas🎁🎄

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We open up to LAX in Los Angeles, California busy as ever. Why?

Because it's Christmas Day!!

And thanks to all military troops and Huntsmen to be stationed back home. All we can say is that many people are happy to spend the holiday with their friends and loved ones together and not separated from a long distance.

At LAX, families eagerly wait by the arrival gates, holding colorful banners and balloons, anxiously anticipating the moment their loved ones step off the plane. Excited children, with wide smiles and sparkling eyes, clutch small gifts and cards they've made for their returning parents or relatives.

As the first passengers begin to disembark, a wave of emotions floods the waiting area. Tears of joy stream down the cheeks of mothers and fathers reuniting with sons and daughters they haven't seen in months. Hugs are exchanged amidst laughter and joyful cries, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of love and warmth.

Amidst the chaos of the airport, each family shares their own unique story of reunion and happiness, making this Christmas Day a truly special and heartwarming occasion for everyone involved.

As we continued on the celebrations. We opened up to Tomoe Takahashi at the Takahashi Clan estate temple setting up a large table with another Takahashi Clan member named Kaede Takahashi.

 We opened up to Tomoe Takahashi at the Takahashi Clan estate temple setting up a large table with another Takahashi Clan member named Kaede Takahashi

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Kaede Takahashi is a member of the Takahashi Clan and serves as the caretaker of the head of the clan, Tomoe Takahashi. Trained in the clan's traditions, Kaede has dedicated her life to protecting and caring for the head of her family, ensuring their well-being and safety. She embodies the ideals of the Takahashi Clan and upholds their values with unwavering loyalty and dedication. Her age is also 20 years old and like all Takahashi Clan members.

She's 4'7".

Tomoe: フラワーアレンジメントを完璧に整えてほしいです、楓さん。{I want those flower arrangements set up perfectly, Kaede-san.}

Kaede: 分かりました、トモエ様。 今日の集まりについては、あなたのご希望に沿ってすべて手配させていただきます。{Understood, Tomoe-sama. I'll ensure everything is arranged according to your wishes for the gathering today.}

Tomoe nodded in acknowledgment, her expression revealing both anticipation and a sense of responsibility for the upcoming event. Kaede proceeded to meticulously arrange the flowers, ensuring each petal was perfectly placed to create an elegant display for the clan's celebration.

Outside the estate gates we see Anthony and his wives Glynda, Coco, Mina, Harriet, and his children Lola, Sara, Luna, Ana, Mason Towson, Noah Towson, Caleb Towson, Lily Towson, Emma Towson, Olivia Towson, Ava Towson, Sophia Towson, and Harper Towson arrived to see him too. Glynda is holding his twin baby boy & girl in her arms Glee and Anthony III.

Chris and his children.

Carlos "Birdseye" Ocampo and his girlfriends Elec Nav, Mako Takahashi, and Alexandra Petrova.

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